8th IEEE Workshop on COMputers in Power ELectronics

June 2-4, 2002

University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus


Sunday June 2, 2002
Time: 1:30 to 5:00 pm
Place: Eugene Francis Hall
           Physics, Geology, and Marine Sciences Building
           University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez Campus

Simulation of Electric Motors and Drives

Prof. Steven Leeb
MIT Laboratory for Electromagnetic and Electronic Systems


The increasingly wide availability of highly capable power electronic drives has motivated an increased interest in actively controlled electric machines over the last two decades. The successful application of modern control techniques, including field-oriented control, depends on an intimate knowledge of machine parameters and characteristics. Lower shaft horsepower drives, for example, may exhibit a relatively speedy decay of electrical transients in comparison to mechanical transient settling times. In very large drives, the situation can be reversed. Carefully applied computer-based tools for estimating machine and drive performance can remarkably speed a designer's understanding of when different control and machine design assumptions are applicable, and how gracefully these assumptions fail as performance limits are approached. In this tutorial, we will review basic modeling assumptions and techniques (DQ modeling) for electric machinery, particularly in the context of the induction machine. We will focus on developing simulation models appropriate for speedy computer analysis using tools like MATLAB.


Steven Leeb received his doctoral degree from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1993 in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. He has been a member of the M.I.T. faculty in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science since 1993. He currently serves as an associate professor in the Laboratory for Electromagnetic and Electronic Systems. Dr. Leeb is concerned with the design, analysis, development, and maintenance processes for all kinds of machinery with electrical actuators, sensors, or power electronic drives.