Logo UPRM University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez
Department of  Electrical and Computer Engineering
Electronics/Hardware and Embedded Systems Area

Embedded Systems Design

Fall Semester, 2019

“Programming microcontrollers is like riding a bicycle: once you get the skill you
can switch bicycles and still ride

Last Updated: Aug 13, 2019

Page Contents


    1. Instructor Information
    Instructor: Dr. Manuel Jiménez
    Office: SA 401
    Phone: (787)832-4040 Ext. 3780
    Office Hours: Please, refer to Instructor's Schedule
    E-mail: mjimenez@ece.uprm.edu
    URL: http://ece.uprm.edu/~mjimenez
    Lab. Page: Microprocessors Interfacing Laboratory (MIL)
    Piazza Page: ICOM-4217 Fall 2019 @ Piazza

    2. Course Description
    ICOM 4217 – Embedded Systems Design: Development of microprocessor based systems for embedded applications. Interfacing to input/output peripherals such as displays, keypads, sensors, digital-to-analog and analog-to-digital converters, and communication devices among others. Emphasizes hardware and software design. Requires a project that consists in the development and laboratory demonstration of the working prototype of an embedded application.

    3. Objectives and Outcomes
    Objectives: At the end of this course students are expected to know how to specify, design, and prototype a microprocessor-based embedded system. To achieve this objective, students are required to develop a semester-long project consisting of specifying, designing, prototyping, and demonstrating an embedded system solution to a real life problem.

    Outcomes: Using the ABET-2000 criteria:


Program Outcome

1.       Students conduct laboratory work to implement a working prototype of their project.


2.       Students perform a project of an original idea proposed by their group.  Project implementation is a course requirement.


3.       Groups of two to four members work towards completion of the class project.  Peer evaluation and individual interviews with the professor are required.


4.       Each group must show originality in their work, the procedure of partitioning a complex problem into parts, and combining peer work into the final solution.


5.       Students identify a problem where microprocessor interfacings kills can be applied.


6.       The project idea, along with a plausible procedure, is submitted by the working group as a proposal.  


7.       Groups must offer an oral presentation and a written final report of their work.


8.       Student presentations and demonstrations are open to the public, and therefore should be understandable by interested parties.  Mathematical and technical content are expected in a way that attendants at least understand why they were used, although full comprehension is not expected.


9.       Projects proposals should reflect awareness of societal needs.


10.   Students should comment the project impact to society reflected by acceptance of their design. This includes the impact to low-skilled workers being replaced by their solution and the impact to the environment. Benefits to the intended social group.


11.   Students must include references that demonstrate their ability to search for information.  This information could be reflected in the theory part of the report or elsewhere.


12.   Students should comment on different alternatives to solve their problem.  These alternatives should include emerging technologies and their associated cost, although they might not be been implemented.


13.   Students must be able to program a microcontroller using a development environment that includes debuggers, editing tools, and compilers, among others.  The microcontrollers used in class are considered state of the art.


    4. Prerequisites by Topic
    Students enrolled in this course are expected to have an undergraduate-level equivalent background in the following topics:
    5. Textbook and References
    M. Jimenez, R. Palomera, and I. Couvertier, "INTRODUCTION TO EMBEDDED SYSTEMS: Using Microcontrollers and the MSP430", Springer 2014

    Textbook Web Site:


    1. F. Vahid & T. Givargis: “EMBEDDED SYSTEM DESIGN: A Unified Hardware Software Introduction” John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2002
    2. J.H. Davis, "MSP430 Microcontroller Basics", Newnes/Elsevier Ltd. 2008
    3. A. Gaonkar, "Fundamentals of Microcontrollers and Applications In Embedded Systems: With the PIC18 Microcontroller Family", Thomson Delmar Learning, 2007
    4. B. Brey, “The Intel Microprocessors”, 5th Ed., Prentice Hall, 2000
    5. G. Miller, “Microcomputer Engineering”, 2nd. Ed. Prentice Hall, 1999
    6. K. Ayala, “The 8051 Microcontroller”, West Publishing, 1997
    7. Driscoll, Coughlin, & Villanucci, “Data Acquisition and Process Control with the M68HC11”, Merril 1994
    8. M. Slater, “Microprocessor-based Design”, Prentice Hall, 1989

    6. Course Outline
    The course material is distributed in eleven main topics going from introductory to advanced concepts, as indicated below:


Contact Hours

1.       Introduction to embedded systems


2.       Embedded microcontroller architecture


3.       Life cycle of Embedded Systems


4.       Constraints in the Design of Embedded Systems


5.       Basic Interface and I/O Fundamentals


6.       Switches, Keypads, and Displays


7.       Interrupts


8.       Timers and Event Counters


9.       Pulse Width Modulation & Applications


10.    Stepper Motor Interfaces


11.    Serial communication


12.    Analog-to-digital and Digital-to-Analog converters


13.    Standard Bus Systems


14.    Synchronization Schemes


15.    Memories


16.    DMA Controllers


17.    Design Technology in Embedded Systems


18.    Student Presentations


19.    Laboratory Work


19.    Exams


Total hours:  (equivalent to contact period)


    7. Instructional Strategy
    The course consists mainly of lectures and laboratory sessions.  Students work in teams of two to four members on a project established at the beginning of the semester.  Handouts or electronically accessible documents are provided for selected topics.  Although the professor guides the discussion of major topics, students are encouraged to expand beyond the classroom discussion for the richness of their project and overall learning experience.

    8. Course Schedule
    The scheduled activities for the current offering of the course are outlined below.  Important events are highlighted.

    First day of classes
    Instructor Info

    Report #1
    Progress Report #1: Project proposal and
    Team composition
    Report #2
    Progress Report #2: Block diagram Version 2 (BDv2),
    MCU selection, Operating chart, and One-page poster
    Program Design
    Sample Poster
    Laboratory Experiments.
    Meetings in MIL (S-115A)

    Midterm Exam
    Sample Exam
    Report #3
    Progress Report #3: Schematics, Part list,
    Timing & Power analysis, BDv3, Software plan
    Schematic Guide
    OrCad Tutorial
    Report #4
    Progress Report #4: Architectural Modules and
    System software Beta 0.5

    Report #5
    Progress Report #5: Systems Integration, SW Beta 1.0
    and Working prototype demonstration
    Final Report
    Comprehensive Final Project Report 
    Evaluation Guide
    Sample Report
    Happy Hours
    Happy Hours
    Peer Eval. Form
    Final Project Presentations (TBP)
    Evaluation Guide
    Final Exam

    9. Grading Rule
    Evaluations will be based on one midterm exam, one homework assignment, the class project,  and a final exam.  The tables below provide the weight distribution of each category with details on the project evaluation, and the scale for final grade assignment.
    Grading Categories
    Midterm Exam
    Laboratory Exp.
    Final Exam
    Total Points
    Project Categories
    Progress Reports
    Happy Hour
    Total Points
    Grade Scale
    0.0 – 59.9
    60.0 – 69.9
    70.0 – 79.9
    80.0 – 89.9
    90.0 – 100

    10. General Policies
    1. Attendance is compulsory. Each unexcused absence will carry a one point deduction in the final grade. Thirty percent (30%) or higher absenteeism will carry an automatic F in the course as final grade.
    2. Attendance will be monitored in the classroom at the beginning of each lecture.  It is the student responsibility to sign the attendance list to be circulated by the professor at the beginning of each meeting.  Attendance lists cannot be used as alibi in a court of law.
    3. Approximately, every 10 lectures an attendance report will be generated. A student with three (3) or more missed lectures in a reporting period will be considered not to be regularly attending class and will be reported as so in the registrar's attendance report.
    1. Make-up for exams will be furnished only to students with a written, valid excuse.  The professor reserves the right to determine which excuses are valid.
    2. Under no circumstance will a late take-home exam be accepted.  If an exam is not turned-in by the date and time specified, the student will receive zero in that exam.
    Homework and Progress Reports:
    1. Homework and reports are due in class on the dates specified in the course schedule. 
    2. Late homework and reports will be accepted with an scalating penalty of 10%, 25%, and 50% for each late day up to the third day.
    3. Lateness beyond the third day would make your work worthless (100% penalty).
    4. Students are responsible for verifying the integrity of electronically submitted materials.  Unreadable formatting will not be considered a valid submission, and therefore might lead to late penalties.
    General Behavior:
    1. Students are responsible for the acquisition of those parts not available in the laboratory stock of components.
    2. All components and tools loaned from the lab are to be returned in working condition to the lab at the end of the semester.  Failure to do so will carry an Incomplete with F as final grade for the entire group and a report to the finance office to be placed as "debtors".
    3. Students are responsible for the good care of  the lab. equipment.  Damage due to negligence will make the students in the group responsible for making up for the damage.  Rule 11 would apply.
    4. Students requiring reasonable accommodations as deemed by the Quality of Life Office must bring their accommodation requests to the professor as soon as issued. Accommodations are granted only in a forward basis.
    5. Dishonesty of any kind will be dealt at the professor jurisdiction and reported to the pertinent university authorities for the appropriate disciplinary sanctions.
    6. Cellular phones and pagers must be in quiet mode during lectures and meetings and off in exams and other in-class evaluations.  No answering of calls will be allowed in the classroom.
    7. Audio or video recording equipment of any kind is not allowed in lectures. Any exception to this rule requires prior, explicit permission from the professor.
    8. Smoking is not permitted in the classroom or laboratory.

    11. Supplemental Course Materials (TBD)
    This section contains materials specific to the class.  Access to this area is restricted. Only students officially enrolled in the course will be granted access.  Here you will find:

    12. Useful Links

    OrCAD Student Version (Free):

    OrCAD Tutorial Site:
           Become a Lab Sponsor:
Sample Donation Letter
    Microcontrollers Pages:
Other Pointers of Interest:
Electronic Component Suppliers:
All Electronics
Allied DigiKey Jameco JDR Newark Mouser

    Webmaster: M. Jimenez