Project 1 Spring 2013: ICOM 4215 – Computer Architecture and Organization


Report contents:

§         Title, names, group, section

§         Abstract

§         Introduction (Background and specs)

§         Design (design decisions and description, software design, use diagrams for design description)

§         Results (examples , printscreens, testing, explanations)

§         Conclusion

§         References

§         Appendix (code)


Student evaluation


Coherence, vocabulary, organization............. 5

Professional appearance and structure........... 5

Documentation of software........................... 10

Documentation of design decisions................ 5

Results......................................................... 10

Testing......................................................... 5

Conclusion................................................... 5

References and appendices........................... 5

Oral Exam.......................................................... 50


Oral exam will be held to test whether the student actually did his or her assigned work. If the students fails to demonstrate that he or she did work on this project or that he/she contribute extensively to the production of the code, design and report production, the student will get a 0 in the report (-50 for the report) and 0 for the oral exam component, obtaining a 0 in the project.


Oral exam evaluation sheet:

Part assigned to student: _____________________

Student demonstrates proficiency in the corresponding part, If not, failed oral exam

Student demonstrates grasp of concepts If not, failed oral exam

Student demonstrates participating in equal parts on the design and implementation of the simulator (work is equally distributed), If not, failed oral exam

Student demonstrates participating in writing the report, If not, remove ½ points.

Student demonstrates he/she systematically tested the code, If not, remove ½ points

Student worked well in teams If not, remove ½ points

Student attended meetings and participated in the design process, If not, failed oral exam