ICOM 5995: Performance Instrumentation and Visualization for High Performance Computer Systems


Progress Report #1

Due date: Friday, October 4, 2002 Monday, October 14, 2002

Send report by email to Nayda.Santiago@ece.uprm.edu by midnight. Please use either Word (*.doc), Poscript (*.ps), or PDF format for the report (*.pdf). If you use *.doc format, please do not save in word xp format. Other *.doc formats are fine.


Project Proposal


Write a project proposal for the project of the course ICOM 5995. You will select one of the following subjects for your project:


  1. Implementation of an application in parallel. Select a programming language, parallel language for the implementation, write the code for the application, and study its performance while varying parameters in the implementation.
  2. Mastering a performance evaluation tool. Select one of the existing parallel benchmarks and make an in depth study of the benchmarks performance using one of the existing performance evaluation tools.
  3. Comparative study. Compare three or more similar tools for evaluating parallel performance. Similar tools mean tools which have the same functionality, eg. three profilers. This is an in depth study and this comparison should be accompanied by examples.
  4. Suggest a topic. Your professor will evaluate it and determine if it is appropriate for your course project.




Identify the problem and propose a solution. Determine tasks and estimate its importance for the overall goal. Estimate the time each task will take. Prepare a time schedule.


Proposal format:

Please follow the document “Writing Formal Reports: An Approach for Engineering Students in 21st Century, Third Edition” available at http://www.ece.uprm.edu/~nayda/Courses/Icom5995F02/Report_Format.pdf