INEL 4075
Grading Policy

Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
of Puerto Rico - Mayaguez

Course Grading Policy

  1. Everyone currently has a 4.0 grade for the course -- but you must earn it to keep it.
  2. How might this be reduced?
    • By not attending class
    • By not participating in class activities
    • By not developing identifiable "intellectual property"
    • Not demonstrating that you have fulfilled the course learning objectives
  1. Class meeting attendance is required. Attendance will be daily monitored in class. It is the student responsibility to ensure signing-up everyday the attendance list to be circulated by the professor at the beginning of each class. A student with more than 3 (three) missed lectures in a reporting period will be considered not to be regularly attending class. A reporting period is 15 lectures.
  2. You will be evaluated through the following graded activities:
    • Exams
    • Quizzes and homeworks
    • Final Exam
  3. You will be evaluated using the following curve:
    • 100-90 A
    • 89-80 B
    • 79-70 C
    • 69-60 D
    • 59-0 F