INEL 4075

Fall 2003

Course Meeting Schedule

Week 1

Meeting 1 (Wenesday, Aug 13): Introduction to the course

Discuss syllabus and rules.

Meeting 2 (Friday, Aug 15): Continue introduction to the course

Discuss syllabus. Take pictures. Readiness Assessment Quiz.

Week 2

(Monday, Aug 18): Prof Absent

(Wednesday, Aug 20): Prof Absent

Meeting 3: (Friday, Aug 22) Finish discussing syllabus. Circuit Theory

Assumptions in the course. Circuit Theory and electric circuit.

Week 3

Meeting 4 (Monday, Aug 25) Intl System of Units, charge, current

The international system of units. Standard prefixes. Electric circuits and current flow. Charge.

Meeting 5 (Wednesday, Aug 27) AC and DC current and Voltage

AC and DC current. Examples with current. Discuss voltage.

Meeting 6 (Friday, Aug 29) Power and Energy

Discuss power and energy. Formulas and examples. Passive sign convention

Week 4

(Monday, Sept 1) Holiday, Labor Day

Meeting 7 and 8 (Tuesday, Sept 2): Makeup Class – S230 – 6:00pm to 8:00pm Active and passive elements. Resistor

Active and passive elements. Definition and formulas of a resistor.

Meeting 9 (Wed, Sept 3) Continue resistor. Independent sources.

Examples problems to compute power and energy in a resistor. Ideal independent sources: current and voltage. Short Circuit and Open Circuit.

Meeting 10 (Friday, Sept 5) Ammeter, voltmeter

Ideal ammeter and voltmeter. How to connect an ammeter and voltmeter. Introduction to dependent sources. Types of dependent sources: CCVS, CCCS, VCVS, VCCS.

Week 5

Meeting 11 (Monday, September 8) Transducers, switches

Examples of dependent sources. Transducers: potentiometers, temperature sensors. Switches.

Meeting 12 (Wednesday, September 10)

Meeting 13 (Friday, September 12) KCL, KVL

Definitions: node, loop. Kirchhoff’s Current Law (KCL) and Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law (KVL).

Week 6

Meeting 14 (Monday, September 15) Examples KCL & KVL.

Examples of KCL, KVL.

Meeting 15 (Wednesday, Sept 17) Single loop circuit.

Definition of series, carry the same current.
Exam #1 up to today’s material.

Meeting 16 (Friday, Sept 19) Voltage divider, equivalent resistance in series.

Voltage division, equivalent resistance for resistors in series, examples. Total power supplied equals total power absorbed in a circuit.

Week 7

Meeting 17 (Monday, September 22) Resistors in parallel, current divider circuit.

Definition of parallel. Equivalent resistor in parallel. Current division.

Meeting 18 (Wednesday, September 24) Examples

Examples of resistors in parallel and current divider.

Meeting 19 (Friday, September 26) Exam # 1

Week 8

Meeting 20 (Monday, September 29, 2003) Circuit Analysis

Techniques for circuit analysis. Examples.

Meeting 21 (Wednesday, October 1, 2003) Examples circuit analysis.

Discuss examples circuit analysis. Intro. to voltage sources in series.

Meeting 22 (Friday, October 3, 2003). GRADUATE SCHOOL (Job Fair)

Week 9

Meeting 23 (Monday, October 6) Analysis of resistive circuits.

Voltage sources in series, current sources in parallel. Terminology for analysis of resistive circuits.

Meeting 24 (Wednesday, October 8) Node-voltage analysis

Steps in Node-Voltage analysis.

Meeting 25 (Wednesday, October 8) Reposicion (7:30pm to 8:30pm)

Node-voltage analysis examples.

Meeting 26 (Friday, October 19, 2003) Node-voltage analysis

REVIEW Solution of simultaneous equations

Week 10

NO CLASS – Prof absent all week

Week 11

Meeting 27 (Monday, October 20, 2003) Node-voltage analysis

Examples Node-Voltage analysis.

Meeting 28 (Wednesday, October 22, 2003) Node-Voltage analysis

Node-Voltage method with voltage sources.

Meeting 29 (Friday, October 24, 2003) Node-voltage analysis

Node-Voltage Method with dependent sources.

Week 12

Meeting 30 (Monday, October 27, 2003) Node-voltage analysis.

Examples. EXAM 2 UP TO HERE

Meeting 31 (Wednesday, October 29) Mesh-current method

Definition mesh currents. Steps mesh-current method

Friday, October 31 – Profesor absent

Week 13

Meeting 32 (Monday, November 3, 2003) Mesh-current method. Review exam 2.