INEL 4215

Lecture 4


1.5 The Computer System Logic Designer’s View


The Computer System Logic Designer – Responsible for designing the machine at the logic gate level. (Most of the time is the same person as the computer architect).


1.5.1 Implementation Domain


Implementation Domain- The collection of hardware devices with which the logic designer works.



v     Transistor Transistor Logic (TTL)

v     Emitter Coupled Logic (ECL)

v     Programmable Logic Arrays (PLA)

v     Etc.

Two levels of abstraction

Logic level – logic functions

Physical level – fan-in, fan-out, propagation delay, etc.

See figure 1.7 (textbook)

1.5.2 Importance of Implementation Domain

When translating from abstract level to concrete domain



No. units available

Organization within chip


1.5.3 Distinction between classical logic design and computer logic design

Cannot design as a finite state machine!!

# of states

Abstraction – independence of subsystems

CPU ←→Memory

Natural separation between

Data path

Control path


Logic designer sees NAND gates, NOR gates, D Flip Flops

Computer designer sees – Muxes, decoders, registers, black boxes.