Sea Surface Emissivity Model
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work to determine the sea water dielectric coefficient was based on laboratory
measurements of sea water samples from ifferent parts of the ocean.
Although these measurements should render good understanding of the emission
from a calm ocean surface, their accuracy in providing values of the ocean
still needed to be examined. Our present investigation of the specular
sea emission seen from space provides field verification of the sea water
specular emissivity over broader regions of the oceans. We investigate
and adjust two ocean dielectric models using well calibrated radiometer
data, paying particular attention to reducing the frequency dependence
of the model and the overall bias of the estimated brightness. In
addition, we evaluate the performance of several models for their dependence
on salinity and sea temperature.
For this purpose, satellite-based radiometric measurements from the TOPEX/Poseidon
project comprising four and a half years are employed together with near-coincident
radiosonde profiles from fifteen (15) stations around the world’s oceans
and TOPEX altimeter measurements for filtering of low wind conditions.
The radiosonde profiles are used to compute the upwelling and downwelling
emission and the opacity of the atmosphere. The radiative transfer
equation is applied to the radiosonde profiles in order to account for
atmospheric effects in the modeled brightness temperature. The dielectric
properties of sea water are found from the modified Debye equation using
salinity and sea surface temperature data from NODC ocean depth-profiles.
The ocean complex permittivity model developed by Klein and Swift and,
more recently, by Ellison is tested and revised.
The modified models, ModE and ModKS, exhibit significant improvements in
the estimate of TB. Of the two modified models, ModE exhibits superior
overall performance, including the lowest bias at both frequencies, which
is a very important attribute indicative of the accuracy of the model.
Its frequency dependence was decreased to 0.30K, which will allow for more
reliable extrapolation to higher frequencies. In addition, ModE has
the lowest dependence on sea surface temperature and the lowest RMS difference
for both 18GHz and 37GHz. Consequently, this is the model that we
recommend for future remote sensing applications involving microwave emissions
from the ocean emissivity of the ocean. The average error in the
modified emissivity model, over the range 18-40 GHz, is found to be 0.0037,
which in terms of brightness temperatures, translates into a model error
of approximately 1K.