Simulation Techniques to Divide the Gross Vehicle Weight into Ax le Loads
Nazario D. Ramírez-Beltrán
Industrial Engineering Department
Benjamín R. Colucci
Civil Engineering Department
Karina Aguilar Ruggiero
Industrial Engineering Department
University of Puerto Rico
Mayagüez Campus, P.R. 00681
There are 18 weight stations in Puerto Rico located at strategic places around the primary system to record the traffic load. Data have been collected since 1980, and some samples exhibit the gross vehicle weight (GVW) and load at each axle. However, most of the collected data contains only the GVW. Therefore, Montecarlo simulation techniques were implemented to divide the total weight into the individual axle loads, to esimate the equivalent axle load b y truck.
Design Sensitivity in Equilibrium Problems Containing Sin gularities
Leonel I. Almánzar
Luis A. Godoy
Civil Infrastructure Research Center
and Engineering Department
University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez Campus
Mayagüez, Puerto Rico 00681-5000
The design sensitivity analysis of non-linear systems that display bifurcation behavior is presented using a first and second order perturbation approach. A numerical example for FRP columns made of composite materials is presented using two different design parameters: the volume fraction and the lamination angle.
New Multimedia Applications Development at the Multimedia Presentations Center
José O. Anés Jiménez, David Patiño Crespo
Advisor: Dr. Ramón Vásquez Espinosa
Multimedia Presentations Center
Electrical and Computer Engineering Department
University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez Campus
Mayagüez, Puerto Rico 00681-5000
The purpose of the Multimedia Presentations Center is to find new methods for applying new computational technologies that are constantly appearing in the market, in an efficient, economical, and easy to reproduce way, to create high quality multimedia presentations and interactive applications.
Graphical Environment for Nursing Documentation Manageme nt
Emily Angarita García
Advisors: Dr. Néstor Rodríguez, Dr. José A. Borges and Dr. Domingo Rodr&
Human-Computer Interaction Laboratory
Electrical and Computer Engineering Department
University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez Campus
Mayagüez, Puerto Rico 00681-5000
The main purpose of this research is to design an environment for the generation and manipulation of medical records based on Puerto Rican health care personnel needs. To satisfy those requirements the system must be easy to learn and use, allow high productivity and low error rating, and provide clear error recovering methods. Finally, the user must feel that he /she is in control of the system.
On Kronecker Product Algorithms and FPGA Computational Structur es
Yvonne Avilés Martínez
Advisor: Dr. Domingo Rodríguez
Parallel Signal Processing Laboratory
Electrical and Computer Engineering Department
University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez Campus
Mayagüez, Puerto Rico 00681-5000
The main objective of this work is to create an environment where a signal processing algo rithm be decomposed into mathematical functional primitives and translated into an equivalent hardware construct in Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs). The mapping of signal processing algorithms to FPGA computational structures should lead to a unified mathematical framework for kronecker--based signal processing algorithms, and assess the computational performance of some FPGA computational structures. Kronecker product algebra will serve as a mathematical language to represent or decompose an algorithm into functional primitives usi ng MATLAB language as the representational media
Richard Aló and Chenyi Hu
Department of Computer and Mathematical Sciences
University of Houston-Downtown
Houston, Texas 77002
In the past six years, we have put significant efforts to promote high performance computi ng at undergraduate level. This paper reports some research projects on high performance computations completed by undergraduate students at the University of Houston-Downtown.
Automatic Test Generation Software to Detect Single Contact Faults in a Programmable Logic Array
Edwin Jiménez
Luis Maldonado
Rubí V. Valentín
Advisor: Dr. Alfredo Cruz
Digital Testing
Electrical Engineering Department
Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico
Hato Rey, Puerto Rico
The purpose of this report is to present an automatic test generation software to detect s ingle contact faults in a PLA. The software is a simplified implementation of the algorithm Pradip Bose presented in his thesis 3, using C++.
Using Speech for Browsing the World Wide Web
Javier Jiménez Gómez
Advisors: Dr. Néstor J. Rodríguez, Dr. José A. Borges
Human-Computer Interaction Laboratory
Electrical and Computer Engineering Department
University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez Campus
Mayagüez, Puerto Rico 00681-5000
Actual World Wide Web (WWW) browsers have some limitations that affect the way that user navigates the Internet. This problem is mostly due to the fact that point and click interface s force the users to have visual contact with the references (links) to the pages that he/she is inte rested. In addition, the user must remember the exact address of infrequently accessed references. Speech communication is an alternate mode of interaction that could enhance WWW browsers. This work deals with the development of the principles for designing a speech-based WWW browser.
Is Finding the Solution Sets for Narrow-Interval Linear Equatio ns Computationally Intractable?
Patrick Kahl
Department of Computer Science, University of Texas at El Paso
El Paso, TX 79968, pkahl@cs.utep.edu
Advisor: Dr. Vladik Kreinovich
In real life, whenever a measurement is taken, theres always some degree of uncertai nty associated with it. Fortunately, theres usually a known range that the associated value falls within. In other words, we have a known interval in which the actual value lies. For any computation involving such measurements, the result must also lie within a certain interval. The problem then is to find the interval - preferably one as narrow as possible - containing the result.
One of the simplest and most common computations involving measurements is the solving of a system of linear equations. Unfortunately, finding the solution set for a system of interval linear equations has been shown to be computationally intractable in general. But what if we conside r a system of interval linear equations such that the intervals are all relatively small?
In this paper, I present our result that finding the solution set for a system of narrow-i nterval linear equations is also computationally intractable.
Yulia G. Kahl
Department of Computer Science
University of Texas at El Paso
El Paso, TX 79968
Advisor: Dr. Chitta Baral
This paper presents a generate-and-test planner written in Prolog capable of replanning ba sed on learned information about events that may change things in its world. It is able to functi on with incomplete information given that the initial state is known. The general structure of t he planner, as well as various attempts at finding parameters which influence the efficiency of search, are presented.
Efficient Determination of Fundamental Data Arrays
Johanna Ortiz
Advisor: Dr. Jaime Seguel
Advanced Computation Laboratory
Department of Mathematics
University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez
Mayagüez, PR 00681
An efficient algorithm for computing an addressing scheme for the determination of a fundamental data subarray in a p x p symmetric array, p prime, is presented and tested in actual computer implementations. This algorithm is a crucial first step in two dimensional symmetric FFT design.
Carlos M. Pagán
Advisor: Dr. Domingo Rodríguez
Computational Signal Processing Group
Electrical and Computer Engineering Department
Unviersity of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez Campus
Mayagüez, Puerto Rico 00680
Signals which vary in time and frequency, as speech, have been the concern of many researchers for many years. The interpretation and study of these signals has always been a computational challenge; but thanks to the new information technologies, faster algorithms, a nd Digital Signal Processing techniques, better results are being obtained. This work deals with the development of a computational and visualization environment for the time-frequency analysis of speech and audio signals using the Short Time Fourier Transform (STFT) as the main analysis tool. The STFT was implemented following the well known filter banks method.
Neural Networks with a Geometric Kernel
Nazario D. Ramírez-Beltrán
and Rosanna Patxot de la Rosa
Industrial Engineering Department
University of Puerto Rico
Mayagüez, PR 00681
A new neural network with a geometric kernel is proposed to model and control nonlinear dynamic processes. This neural network is being trained with experimental data collected at a chemical plant. A computer program is been written to implement the underlying neural network .
Rafael R. Reilova, Santiago Vilá
Advisor: Alfredo Cruz, Ph.D.
Universidad Politécnica de Puerto Rico, Hato Rey, PR
Universidad de Puerto Rico, Río Piedras, PR
The UNIX ANSI C language provides programmers with a tool to control their programs screen output which is totally independent of the terminal, curses.h. Taking advantage of the UNIX Curses programming library, we developed a general text editor that is easier to use tha n currently available editors for text-based terminals.
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