On the Implementation of Beamforming Algorithms using MAT LAB
William J. Díaz
Luis H. Valencia
Advisor: Dr. Domingo Rodríguez
Computational Signal Processing Group
Electrical and Computer Engineering Department
University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez Campus
Mayagüez, Puerto Rico 00681-5000
Beamforming is a signal processing operation performed mostly in a passive mode to estimat e the direction of a propagating waveform source when the waveform is received by an array of sensors. This operation is used widely in many RADAR and SONAR applications. It can also be used to steer a transmitted beam in a particular direction when sensors are replaced by transmitters. Two main techniques are essentially used, namely, time-domain beamforming and frequency-domain beamforming. Frequency-domain beamforming is more commonly used nowadays do to its fast and efficient indirect implementation through the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) operation. This work concentrates on the implementation of frequency-domain beamformers using the numeric computation and visualization software package MATLAB. Special attention is given to algorithm implementations using SIMULINK, a model definition environment under the MATLAB software.
Optimal Sequential Assignment of Random Jobs to Processors
Angel Fonseca
Advisor: Dr. Dieter Reetz
Department of Mathematics
Box 23355
University of Puerto Rico
Río Piedras, PR 00931
We consider a system composed of m separate processors. Jobs of random size appear sequentially at times t=0,1,2,... and must immediately be assigned to the processors. We assu me that the job sizes are independent identically distributed random variables which may grow or decay exponentially with factor y. We show how to obtain an assignment strategy minimizing th e expected total discounted time to process all jobs. Numerical results for discrete distributi ons are presented. An asymptotic analysis for the case m _ is undertaken. The connection of the sequential assignment process with multiple stopping processes is described.
A Parallel Version of Prims Algorithm
Juan Enrique Gallardo
Advisor: Dr. Dorothy Bollman
Advanced Computation Laboratory
Department of Mathematics
University of Puerto Rico
Mayagüez, PR 00681-5000
Many practical problems are modelled by graphs in which weights or costs are associated with the edges. A typical problem that then arises is that of determining for any given graph G, a minimal spanning tree for G. A well known solution to this problem is Prims algorithm. In this work we give a parallel version of this algorithm and show how it is especially suited for implementation on the Maspar, a massively parallel computer.
A Multidimensional FFT Variant For Prime Size Problems*
Arundhuti Guha
Advisor: Dr. Jaime Seguel and Dr. Avijit Purkayastha
Advanced Computation Laboratory
Department of Mathematics
University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez
Mayagüez, PR 00681
The purpose of this work is to introduce and test an algorithm for computing the DFT of a muldiminesional sequence of prime period.
An Environment for the Harmonic Analysis of Waveforms Generated from Musical Instruments
Walter J. Head-Santiago
Advisor: Dr. Domingo Rodríguez
Computational Signal Processing Group
Electrical and Computer Engineering Department
University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez Campus
Mayagüez, Puerto Rico 00681-5000
An environment has been designed for the spectral analysis of waveforms generated from
musical instruments. The environment is based on the numeric computation and visualization
software package MATLAB. This environment concentrates on the use of the discrete Fourier
transform (DFT) as the main computational tool to identify the harmonic content of the signal
involved. It allows also for signals to be edited and inputted either from a file or from a
microphone, as well as other signal manipulation tools. The software code can be placed on
workstations or IBM compatible personal computers. The graphical user interface provided by
the environment permits easy manipulation of the signals being analyzed. Finally, a crude
algorithm was implemented for an estimation of the principal harmonics of a given waveform. <
Codebook Design Limitations of the Fuzzy C-Means Algorithm
Oscar Misla Villalba
Advisor: Dr. Hamed Parsiani
Center for Computing Research & Development - CECORD
Electrical and Computer Engineering Department
University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez Campus
Mayagüez, PR 00681-5000
The Fuzzy C-Means algorithm is theoretically compared with the Crisp C-Means algorithm and the important advantage of achieving good cluster centers is explained. FCM is implemented experimentally using general images as its input data space. The method is based on the globa l minimization of the mean distance metric space. Direct application of FCM to an image for codebook design shows a general degradation in the image which may be overcomed by separately applying FCM to proper subsets of the image.
Dara Morgenstein
Advisor: Dr. J.R. Villalobos
Flexible Inspection Laboratory
Mechanical & Industrial Engineering Department
University of Texas at El Paso
El Paso, Texas 79968-0530
This paper will explain the process of inspecting circuit boards for components of type I & II errors. This process includes capturing the circuit board image, analyzing the image using low-level image processing routines, and determining from the results whether the board passe d or failed inspection.
Fuzzy Logic Based Control and Coordination of Traffic Signals Along an Arterial
Enid L. Muñiz-Marrero
Advisor: Gerson Beauchamp-Báez
Civil Engineering Infrastructure Research Center
National Science Foundation-EPSCoR
Electrical and Computer Engineering Department
University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez Campus
Mayagüez, PR 00681-5000
Fuzzy logic has opened the door for the use of computers in the control of processes that were difficult to model mathematically or were very dependent on expert knowledge. This work deals with the design of a fuzzy logic based controller for the control of such a system: the traff ic signals along an arterial. At the present time, this controller is under development.
Human Computing With Abstract Machine Interaction
Alfonso Muñoz
Advisor: Dr. Raymond Bell
Computer Science Department
University of Texas at El Paso, El Paso, TX 79968
e-mail: amunoz@utep.edu
The main purpose of this research is to present an automated computer integrated manufactu ring system to alleviate the need for technical expertise. The most challenging problem in human computer interaction is to facilitate the effective use of the computers to the non expert us ers. Several approaches have been proposed to address this problem. The approach in this project is based on an effort to focus on bridging the gap between a computer aided design (CAD) and computer aided manufacturing (CAM). The intent is to make the computer handle the coordinate system conversion, allowing less need to have long periods of training. This paper describes how graphical data from a drawing is converted into tool paths without any file conversion nor programming.
Comparison of the Performance of the Binary Search Algorithm in Awk and C Language
Jacqueline Ortega
Advisor Dr. Alfredo Cruz
Department of Electrical Engineering
Polytechnic University
San Juan, Puerto Rico
The awk programming language has become an indispensable tool for todays programmer. It is a versatile, powerful and useful in the development of system utilities and prototyping. A comparison was made on the speed at execution time, lines of code, disk space of an Awk implementation of the Binary Search algorithm and a C language implementation.
< a name="abs33">The Used of Bayesian Networks for Image Segmentation
Sandra Soto-Cabán
Advisor: Dr. Ramón E. Vásquez Espinosa
Laboratory of Applied Remote Sensing and Image Processing
Electrical and Engineering Department
University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez Campus
Mayagüez, Puerto Rico 00681-5000
The objective of this research is to apply Bayesian networks to the problem of segmentatio n of images. The research intends to couple Markov random fields estimation techniques for image segmentation and classification with Bayesian networks. BN-MRFs can be used as a technique for representing and using multilevel a-priori constraints in vision. Allowing multiple solut ions to be propagated by each node of the network will be a new contribution to Bayesian networks of Markov random fields and image processing techniques.
Liza Marie Tirado, Nellie Leyderman, Antonio Rodríguez, and Julio Rodr
Advisor: Dr. Domingo Rodríguez
Computational Signal Processing Group
Electrical and Computer Engineering Department
University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez Campus
Mayagüez, Puerto Rico 00681-5000
This work deals with the development of a tool environment, based on Microsoft® Visua l Basic™ software package, to aid in the analysis, design, modification, and implementati on of signal processing algorithms on computational structures. Special emphasis will be given to t he analysis and design of multidimensional fast Fourier transform (FFT) algorithms and multidimensional fast cyclic convolution (FCC) algorithms for time-frequency and spatiotemporal signal analysis. Tensor or Kronecker product algebra, a branch of finite-dimensional, multilinear algebra, will be used as a language to aid in the algorithm development process. This language has been used successfully as a tool to analyze similariti es and differences between algorithms as well as the design of new ones. A symbolic/iconic notation will be used to present mathematical formulations of algorithms using Kronecker products compositions as functional primitives or building blocks. Automatic code generation is obtained by identifying or associating the iconic symbols with predesigned computational constructs.
Shell Sort Implementation and Comparison Using C Language and Awk Under UNIX Operating System
Rubí V. Valentín Archilla
Advisor: Dr. Alfredo Cruz
Electrical Engineering Department
Polytechnic University of P.R., Hato Rey, P.R.
This report describes the implementation and comparison of shell sort algorithm usi ng C language and Awk. The purpose is to observe the differences between both languages when performing exactly the same tasks and how the operating system responds to both implementations.
An on-line Transfer Function to Control a Chemical Process
Nazario D. Ramírez-Beltrán
and Mario Vargas Gordillo
Industrial Engineering Department
University of Puerto Rico
Mayagüez, PR
Mayagüez, Campus
Sequential and iterative algorithms for linear and nonlinear optimization techniques are u sed to derive a real time control equation. A computer program is being written to control a real wo rld dynamic chemical process. Experiments are conducted at chemical plant to derive the disturbance, compensation, and control equations under different scenarios.
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