SPONSORSCenter for Computing Research & Development - CECORDNational Science Foundation - NSF LOCATIONUniversity of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez CampusElectrical and Computer Engineering Department Stefani Building, S-113, S-230, II-229 SCOPETo present original work in pure and applied research performed by graduate and undergraduate students in all areas where computers play a significant role. the conference will serve as a forum for the exchange of new ideas, concepts, and results. It will focus on, but will not be limited to the topics mentioned below.TOPICSCOMPUTATIONAL MATHEMATICSHUMAN-COMPUTER INTERACTION VIRTUAL REALITY COMPUTER-BASED SIMULATION PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS AND COMPUTING NEURAL NETWORKS NETWORKING SYSTEMS INFORMATION SYSTEMS SIGNAL PROCESSING PROGRAMMING ENVIRONMENTS INFORMATICS COMPUTATIONAL ENGINEERING CONFERENCES AND PROJECT
April 18, 1997 |
SUBMISSION OF PAPERSFour copies of the complete manuscript (camera-ready) are to be received by Dr. Domingo Rodriguez prior to February 21, 1997. Each paper should be limited to four single spaced pages, in double column, using 12-point type. Each work must also be submitted in electronic form using Microsoft Word 6.0. Download an example in Word format example.doc (53k) or a ZIP compressed file example.zip (11k). Authors will be notified of the review decision by March 21, 1997.Since proceeding will be available at the time of the conference, the submission deadline of February 21 will be strictly enforced. CONFERENCE CHAIRDr. Domingo Rodriguez, Electrical and Computer EngineeringUniversity of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus domingo@exodo.upr.clu.edu Tel.: (787) 832-4040 Exts. 2031, 3510, 3781 Fax: (787) 831-7564 TECHNICAL PROGRAM COMMITTEEDr. Jose A. Borges, e-mail: borges@exodo.upr.clu.eduDr. Jose L. Cruz, e-mail: jcruz@exodo.upr.clu.edu Dr. Shawn Hunt, e-mail: shawn@exodo.upr.clu.edu Dr. Thomas Noack, e-mail: noack@urayoan.upr.clu.edu Dr. Hamed Parsiani, e-mail: parsiani@exodo.upr.clu.edu Dr. Domingo Rodriguez, e-mail: domingo@exodo.upr.clu.edu Dr. Nestor J. Rodriguez, e-mail: nestor@exodo.upr.clu.edu Dr. Jaime Seguel, e-mail: jseguel@rummat1.upr.clu.edu Dr. Ramon Vasquez, e-mail: reve@rmece13.upr.clu.edu COORDINATING COMMITTEEMrs. Waleska Campos e-mail: crc97@exodo.upr.clu.eduCECORD Assistant Manager Mrs. Omayra Lopez e-mail: omayra@exodo.upr.clu.edu Dr. Domingo Rodriguez e-mail: domingo@exodo.upr.clu.edu ADDRESSSubmit papers to:Dr. Domingo Rodriguez Center for Computing Research & Development - CECORD Electrical and Computer Engineering Department University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus Mayaguez, PR 00681-5000 e-mail: crc97@exodo.upr.clu.edu URL:http://mayaweb.upr.clu.edu/CECORD/CRC/crc.html |
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