Welcome to the PRWRERI
The Puerto Rico Water Resources and Environmental Research Institute dedicated to the research and development of water resources in Puerto Rico.
The Puerto Rico Water Resources and Environmental Research Institute (PRWRERI) is one of 54 water research centers established throughout the United States and its territories by The Water Research Resource Act of 1994 and presently operates under Section 104 of the Water Research and Development Act of 1984 (P.L. 98-242).
Exploring, Encouraging, Educating, and Finding Solutions, Since 1964.
The general objectives of the Puerto Rico Water Resources and Environmental Research Institute are (1) to conduct research aimed at resolving local and national water resources problems, (2) to train scientists and engineers through hands-on experience in research, and (3) to facilitate the incorporation of research results in the knowledge base of water resources professionals in Puerto Rico and the U.S. as a whole.