Undergraduate Research



Luis Quiñones, Jaeleen Santana


Daniel Silva

NASA Project: OTG Radars for NASA’s GPM Ground Validation


Maribel Torres, Joshua Ramírez, Glorianne Alvarado

Project: Rain Gauges Measurements Vs TropiNet’s Radar Measurements

IAP Project: Collocating rain gauges network with an X-band dual polarized radar to measure rainfall rates in western Puerto Rico

Nohely Miranda y Carolyn de Jesús

Project: Attenuation Correction

CASA/TropiNet Project: Attenuation Correction for Radar Datasets

Luis Olique

Project: Disdrometer Installation and Data Analysis

IAP Project: OTG Optimal Placement Locations

José D. Díaz

REU Project and Semester Project: CASA OTG Radar network Powerup by Processing NWS radar images for rain clouds detection

CASA Project: Renewable Energy Systems integration to OTG radars.

Nohely Miranda and Hector Rodríguez

IAP Project: Study of the Variability in the Attenuation Estimation Relation Coefficient in a Tropical Environment using the X‐band dual polarized radar from TropiNet Radar Network in Western Puerto Rico

Linnette Rodríguez

Undergraduate Research Project: OTG Optimal Placement Locations and Radar Logistics

Edwin Suarez

CASA Project: Software Integration, Radar Elevation Motor, Security Camera Integration