List of Conference Publications


  1. Justin S. Lee, Nicholas Palmer, Junfei Xie, Yan Wan, Kejie Lu, and Shengli Fu, "RAPTURE: a Remotely Accessible Platform of Testbeds for UAS Research and Education," to appear, in Proc. AIAA 2024, Jul 2024. [bib]
  2. Haomeng Zhang, Junfei Xie, Yan Wan, Shengli Fu, and Kejie Lu, "Advancing Networked Airborne Computing with mmWave for Air-to-Air Communications," to appear, in Proc. ISICN 2024, Mar. 2024. [bib]
  3. Dong Wang, Edwin Florez-Gomez, and Kejie Lu, "A Survey on Digital Twin Networks: Use Cases and Enabling Technologies," to appear, in Proc. ISICN 2024, Mar. 2024. [bib]


  1. Zikang Zhou, Luyao Ye, Jianping Wang, Kui Wu, Kejie Lu, "HiVT: Hierarchical Vector Transformer for Multi-Agent Motion Prediction," in Proc. CVPR 2022, Jun. 2022. [bib]
  2. Jinran Zhang, Baoqian Wang, Dong Wang, Shengli Fu, Kejie Lu, Yan Wan, and Junfei Xie, "An SDR-based LTE System for Unmanned Aerial Systems," in Proc. ICUAS 2022, Jun. 2022. [bib]
  3. Chengyuan Xu, Qian Xu, Jianping Wang, Kui Wu, Kejie Lu, Chunming Qiao, "AoI-centric Task Scheduling for Autonomous Driving Systems," in Proc. INFOCOM 2022, May 2022. [bib]


  1. Dong Wang, Baoqian Wang, Jinran Zhang, Kejie Lu, Junfei Xie, Yan Wan, Shengli Fu, "CFL-HC: A Coded Federated Learning Framework for Heterogeneous Computing Scenarios," in Proc. Globecom 2021, Dec. 2021. [bib]
  2. Zhaobo Lu, Jin Wang, Jingya Zhou, Jianping Wang, Kejie Lu, "Recode-Decode-and-Compare: An Efficient Verification Scheme for Coded Edge Computing Against Collusion Attack," in Proc. ICA3PP 2021, pp. 529-548, Dec. 2021. [bib]
  3. Yingyao Yang, Jin Wang, Kejie Lu, Jianping Wang, and Zhaobo Lu, "Linear Coded Federated Learning," in Proc. ICA3PP 2021, pp. 627-644, Dec. 2021. [bib]
  4. Jiqing Chang, Jin Wang, Fei Gu, Kejie Lu, Lingzhi Li, Jianping Wang, "PCHEC: A Private Coded Computation Scheme For Heterogeneous Edge Computing," in Proc. IEEE Trustcom 2021, Oct. 2021. [bib]
  5. Mingyue Cui, Jin Wang, Jingya Zhou, Kejie Lu, Jianping Wang, "The Design of Secure Coded Edge Computing for User-Edge Collaborative Computing," in Proc. IEEE Trustcom 2021, Oct. 2021. [bib]
  6. Baoqian Wang, Junfei Xie, Kejie Lu, Yan Wan, Shengli Fu, "Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning Based Coded Computation for Mobile Ad Hoc Computing," in Proc. ICC 2021, Jun. 2021. [bib]


  1. Mengjia Zhai, Fei Gu, Jin Wang, Lingzhi Li, Kejie Lu, Jianping Wang, "PCRec: A Private Coding Computation Scheme Based on Edge Computing for Recommendation System," in Proc. IEEE ISPA 2020, Dec. 2020. [bib]
  2. Tingting Dong, Jin Wang, Fei Gu, Jingya Zhou, Kejie Lu, Jianping Wang, "MCSEC: Secure Coded Matrix Multiplication Scheme for Edge Computing with Minimum Communication Cost," in Proc. IEEE ISPA 2020, Dec. 2020. [bib]
  3. Bingyi Liu, Chunli Yu, Weizhen Han, Dongyao Jia, Jianping Wang, Enshu Wang, Kejie Lu, "Towards Reliable Message Dissemination for Multiple Cooperative Drivings: A Hybrid Approach," in Proc. ICCCN 2020, Aug. 2020. [bib]
  4. Mingjia Fu, Jin Wang, Jianping Wang, Kejie Lu, Admela Jukan, Fei Gu, "Decode-and-Compare: An Efficient Verification Scheme for Coded Edge Computing," in Proc. IWQoS 2020, Jun. 2020. [bib]
  5. Yifan Zhang, Jinghuai Zhang, Jindi Zhang, Jianping Wang, Kejie Lu, Jeff Hong, "A Novel Learning Framework for Sampling-Based Motion Planning in Autonomous Driving," in Proc. AAAI 2020, Feb. 2020. [bib]


  1. Yunlong Qi, Dong Wang, Junfei Xie, Kejie Lu, Yan Wan, Shengli Fu, "BirdsEyeView: Aerial View Dataset for Object Classification and Detection," in Proc. IEEE Globecom 2019, Workshop on Computing-Centric Drone Networks, Dec. 2019. [bib]
  2. Baoqian Wang, Junfei Xie, Kejie Lu, Yan Wan, Shengli Fu, "Coding for Heterogeneous UAV-based Networked Airborne Computing," in Proc. IEEE Globecom 2019, Workshop on Computing-Centric Drone Networks, Dec. 2019. [bib]
  3. Qian Xu, Yifan Zhang, Kui Wu, Jianping Wang, and Kejie Lu, "Evaluating and Boosting Reinforcement Learning for Intra-domain Routing," in Proc. IEEE MASS 2019, Nov. 2019. [bib]
  4. Luning Wang, Zhongzheng Tang, Qian Xu, Kejie Lu, Jianping Wang, Kui Wu and Xiaohua Jia, "SNIFF: A Scalable Network Inference Framework for Measuring End-to-End Performance Based on Matrix Completion," Proc. BIGCOM2019, Aug. 2019. [bib]
  5. Chunming Cao, Jin Wang, Jianping Wang, Kejie Lu, Jingya Zhou, Admela Jukan, and Wei Zhao, "Optimal Task Allocation and Coding Design for Secure Coded Edge Computing," in Proc. IEEE ICDCS 2019, Dallas, Texas, Jul 2019. [bib]


  1. Bin He, Jin Wang, Jingya Zhou, Kejie Lu, Lingzhi Li and Shukui Zhang, "The Design and Implementation of Random Linear Network Coding based Distributed Storage System in Dynamic Networks," in Proc. the 18th International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing (ICA3PP), Nov. 2018. [bib]
  2. Ruimin Zhao, Jin Wang, Kejie Lu, Jianping Wang, Xiumin Wang, Jingya Zhou, and Chunming Cao, "Weakly Secure Coded Distributed Computing," in Proc. of the 15th IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing (UIC), Oct. 2018. [bib]
  3. Baoqian Wang, Junfei Xie, Songwei Li, Yan Wan, Shengli Fu, and Kejie Lu, "Enabling High-Performance Onboard Computing with Virtualization for Unmanned Aerial Systems," in Proc. 2018 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS), pp. 202-211, Jun. 2018. [bib]
  4. Jing Ren, Kejie Lu, Cedric Westphal, Jin Wang, Jinfan Wang, Tongyu Song, Shucheng Liu, Jianping Wang, "JORDAN: A Novel Traffic Engineering Algorithm for Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP," in Proc. IEEE ICNC 2018, Mar. 2018. [bib]


  1. Weiwei Ding, Jin Wang, Kejie Lu, Ruimin Zhao, Xiumin Wang and Yanqin Zhu, "Optimal Cache Management and Routing for Secure Content Delivery in Information-centric Networks with Network Coding," in Proc. IEEE ISPA 2017, Dec. 2017. [bib]


  1. Ruimin Zhao, Jin Wang, Kejie Lu, Xiangmao Chang, Lingzhi Li, and Yanqin Zhu, "Optimal Transmission Topology Construction and Secure Linear Network Coding Design for Multicast with Integral Link Rates," in Proc. IEEE HPCC 2016, Dec. 2016. [bib]
  2. Zhengqing Wen, Jin Wang, Kejie Lu, Jingya Zhou, Zhenguo Gao, and Yanqin Zhu, "Optimal Rate Allocation and Linear Network Coding Design for Secure Multicast with Multiple Streams," in Proc. IEEE HPCC 2016, Dec. 2016. [bib]
  3. Wen Qi, Jin Wang, Hermine Hovhannisyan, Kejie Lu, Jianping Wang, Junda Zhu, "A Generic Mitigation Framework against Cross - VM Covert Channels," in Proc. IEEE ICCCN 2016, Aug. 2016. [bib]
  4. Jin Wang, Kejie Lu, Jianping Wang, and Chunming Qiao, "Optimal Local Data Exchange in Fiber-Wireless Access Network: A Joint Network Coding and Device Association Design," in Proc. IEEE INFOCOM 2016, Apr. 2016. [bib]
  5. Juntao Wang, Xun Xiao, Jianping Wang, Kejie Lu, Xiaotie Deng, Ashwin A Gumaste, "When group-buying meets cloud computing," in Proc. IEEE INFOCOM 2016, Apr. 2016. [bib]


  1. Hermine Hovhannisyan, Kejie Lu, Rongwei Yang, Wen Qi, Jianping Wang, Mi Wen, "A Novel Deduplication-Based Covert Channel in Cloud Storage Service," in Proc. IEEE Globecom 2015, Dec. 2015. [bib]
  2. Fengye Zhang, Songlin Sun, Bo Rong, Fei Richard Yu, Kejie Lu, "A Novel Massive MIMO Precoding Scheme for Next Generation Heterogeneous Networks," in Proc. IEEE Globecom 2015, Dec. 2015. [bib]
  3. Wen Qi, Yichen Xu, Wanfu Ding, Yonghang Jiang, Jianping Wang, Kejie Lu, "Privacy Leaks When You Play Games: A Novel User-Behavior-Based Covert Channel on Smartphones," in Proc. IEEE ICNP 2015, Nov. 2015. [bib]
  4. Chengjin Jia, Jin Wang, Yanqin Zhu, Xin Wang, Kejie Lu, Xiumin Wang and Zhengqing Wen, "On the Optimal Provider Selection for Repair in Distributed Storage System with Network Coding," in Proc. ICA3PP 2015, Nov. 2015. [bib]
  5. Hermine Hovhannisyan, Kejie Lu, Jianping Wang, "A Novel High-Speed IP-Timing Covert Channel: Design and Evaluation," in Proc. IEEE ICC 2015, Jun. 2015. [bib]
  6. Huan Li, Kejie Lu, Qi Zhang, and Yi Li, "Integrating Mobile Sensing and Social Network For Personalized Health-Care Application," in Proc. The 30th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium On Applied Computing, Salamanca, Spain, Apr. 2015. [bib]
  7. Jinfan Wang, Kejie Lu, Wanfu Ding, Xinyu Wang, Shucheng Liu, and Jianping Wang, "On the Design of A General Multiple-Namespace System for Future Networks," in Proc. IEEE INFOCOM 2015, Demo Session, Apr. 2015. [bib]
  8. Mi Wen, Kejie Lu, Jingsheng Lei, Fengyong Li, Jing Li, "BDO-SD: An Efficient Scheme for Big Data Outsourcing with Secure Deduplication," in Proc. IEEE INFOCOM 2015, Workshop on BigData Security (BigSecurity), Apr. 2015. [bib]


  1. Jin Wang, Jing Ren, Kejie Lu, Jianping Wang, Shucheng Liu, Cedric Westphal, "An Optimal Cache Management Framework for Information-Centric Networks with Network Coding," IFIP Networking 2014, Trondheim, Norway, Jun. 2014. [bib]
  2. Dongyao Jia, Kejie Lu, Jianping Wang, "Improving beacon dissemination in VANETs - a cyber-physical system based design," IEEE WoWMoM 2014, Sydney, Australia, Jun. 2014. [bib]
  3. Jing Ren, Wen Qi, Cedric Westphal, Jianping Wang, Kejie Lu, Shucheng Liu, and Sheng Wang, "MAGIC: a Distributed MAx-Gain In-network Caching Strategy in Information-Centric Networks," in Proc. INFOCOM'2014 Workshop on Name-Oriented Mobility, Apr. 2014. [bib]


  1. Junsheng Wang, Jin Wang, Yanqin Zhu and Kejie Lu, "SNKC: An Efficient On-the-fly Pollution Detection Scheme for Content Distribution with Network Coding," in Proc. IEEE/IFIP EUC 2013, Nov. 2013. [bib]
  2. Jin Wang, Kejie Lu, Jianping Wang, Chunming Qiao, "Untraceability of mobile devices in wireless mesh networks using linear network coding," in Proc. IEEE INFOCOM 2013, Apr. 2013. [bib]
  3. Wang Liu, Kejie Lu, Jianping Wang, Yi Qian, Liusheng Huang, Jun Liu, Dapeng Oliver Wu, "On the throughput-delay trade-off in large-scale MANETs with a generalized i.i.d. mobility model," in Proc. IEEE INFOCOM 2013, Apr. 2013. [bib]


  1. Wang Liu, Kejie Lu, Jianping Wang, Yi Qian, Tao Zhang, and Liusheng Huang, "Capacity of Distributed Content Delivery in Large-Scale Wireless Ad Hoc Networks," in Proc. IEEE INFOCOM 2012, Mar. 2012. [bib]


  1. Hector M Lugo-Cordero, Ratan Guha, and Kejie Lu, "A Secure Service-Oriented Routing Algorithm for Heterogeneous Wireless Mesh Networks," in Proc. of IEEE Globecom 2011, Dec. 2011. [bib]
  2. Shiliang Li, Kejie Lu, and Yinlong Xu, "Seamless Handover in Integrated WDM/TDM PON and WiMAX Architecture," in Proc. Chinacom 2011, Aug. 2011. [bib]
  3. Jin Wang, Jianping Wang, Kejie Lu, Yi Qian, Bin Xiao, and Naijie Gu, "Optimal Design of Linear Network Coding for Information Theoretically Secure Unicast," in Proc. IEEE INFOCOM 2011, Shanghai, China, Mar. 2011. [bib]
  4. Jin Wang, Jianping Wang, Chuan Wu, Kejie Lu, and Naijie Gu, "Anonymous Communication with Network Coding against Traffic Analysis Attack," in Proc. IEEE INFOCOM 2011, Shanghai, China, Mar. 2011. [bib]
  5. D. Rodriguez, Kejie Lu, and C. Aceros, "SIRLAB-NETSIG integration for environmental surveillance monitoring in wireless mesh sensor networks," in Proc. of 2011 IEEE Second Latin American Symposium on Circuits and Systems (LASCAS), Playa del Carmen, Mexico, Feb. 2011. [bib]
  6. C. Aceros, N. Pagan, Kejie Lu, J. Colucci, and D. Rodriguez, "SIRLAB: An Open-Source Computational Tool Framework for Time-Frequency Signal Visualization and Analysis," in Proc. of 2011 IEEE Digital Signal Processing Workshop and IEEE Signal Processing Education Workshop (DSP/SPE), Sedona, Arizona, USA, Jan. 2011. [bib]


  1. Gonzalo Vaca-Castano, Domingo Rodriguez, Julio Castillo, Kejie Lu, Alejandro Rios, and Fernando Bird, "A Framework for Bioacoustical Species Classification in a Versatile Service-Oriented Wireless Mesh Network," in Proc. 2010 European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO-2010), Aalborg, Denmark, Aug. 2010. [bib]
  2. Xiangmao Chang, Jin Wang, Jianping Wang, Victor Lee, Kejie Lu and Yixian Yang, "On Achieving Maximum Secure Throughput Using Network Coding Against Wiretap Attack," in Proc. IEEE ICDCS 2010, Genoa, Italy, Jun. 2010. [bib]
  3. Kejie Lu, Wang Liu, Jianping Wang, Tao Zhang, Shengli Fu, "Achieving the Capacity Bounds of Multicast in Large-Scale Wireless Networks," in Proc. IEEE ISIT 2010, Austin, Texas, Jun. 2010. [bib]
  4. Hui Guo, Yi Qian, Kejie Lu, and Nader Moayeri, "Backbone Routing over Multihop Wireless Networks: Increased Network Coding Opportunity," in Proc. IEEE ICC 2010, Cape Town, South Africa, May 2010. [bib]
  5. Tao Zhang, Kejie Lu, Ayat Jafari, Shengli Fu, and Yi Qian, "On the Capacity Bounds of Large-Scale Wireless Network with Physical-Layer Network Coding Under the Generalized Physical Model," in Proc. IEEE ICC 2010 - Workshop on Cooperative and Cognitive Mobile Networks, Cape Town, South Africa, May 2010. [bib]
  6. Jianping Wang, Chunming Qiao, Yan Li, and Kejie Lu, "Minimizing the Worst-Case Playback Delay in VoD Services over Passive Optical Networks," in Proc. IEEE INFOCOM 2010, San Diego, CA, Mar. 2010. [bib]
  7. Jin Wang, Jianping Wang, Kejie Lu, Bin Xiao, and Naijie Gu, "Optimal Linear Network Coding Design for Secure Unicast with Multiple Streams," in Proc. IEEE INFOCOM 2010, San Diego, CA, Mar. 2010. [bib]


  1. Kejie Lu, Shengli Fu, Yi Qian, and Hsiao-Hwa Chen, "SER Performance Analysis for Physical Layer Network Coding over AWGN Channel," in Proc. IEEE Globecom 2009, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, Dec. 2009. [bib]
  2. Dong Wang, Shengli Fu, and Kejie Lu, "Channel Coding Design to Support Asynchronous Physical Layer Network Coding," in Proc. IEEE Globecom 2009, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, Dec. 2009. [bib]
  3. Hui Guo, Yi Qian, Kejie Lu, and Nader Moayeri, "The Benefits of Network Coding over a Wireless Backbone," in Proc. IEEE Globecom 2009, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, Dec. 2009. [bib]
  4. Hui Guo, Yi Qian, Kejie Lu, and Nader Moayeri, "Backbone Construction for Heterogeneous Wireless Ad Hoc Networks," in Proc. IEEE ICC 2009, Dresden, Germany, Jun. 2009. [bib]
  5. Kejie Lu, Shengli Fu, Yi Qian, and Tao Zhang, "On The Security Performance of Physical-Layer Network Coding," in Proc. IEEE ICC 2009, Dresden, Germany, Jun. 2009. [bib]


  1. Kejie Lu, Tao Zhang, Yi Qian, and Shengli Fu, "A Novel Topology Control Scheme for Future Wireless Mesh Networks," in Proc. IEEE Globecom 2008, New Orleans, Nov. 2008. [bib]
  2. Yi Qian, Kejie Lu, and Nader Moayeri, "A Secure VANET MAC Protocol for DSRC Applications," in Proc. IEEE Globecom 2008, New Orleans, Nov. 2008. [bib]
  3. Hector M. Lugo-Cordero, Kejie Lu, Domingo Rodriguez, Sastri Kota, "A Novel Service-Oriented Routing Algorithm for Wireless Mesh Network," in Proc. IEEE MILCOM 2008, San Diego, CA, Nov. 2008. [bib]
  4. Kejie Lu, Tao Zhang, Yi Qian, and Shengli Fu, "Performance of a Novel Topology Control Scheme for Future Wireless Mesh Networks," in Proc. IEEE MILCOM 2008, San Diego, CA, Nov. 2008. [bib]
  5. Ming Li, Hua Zhu, Shiwen Mao, Kejie Lu, Min Chen, "Robot Swarm Communication Networks: Architectures, Protocols, and Applications," in Proc. Chinacom 2008, Hangzhou, China, Aug. 2008. [bib]
  6. Kejie Lu, Shengli Fu, and Yi Qian, "Capacity of Random Wireless Networks: Impact of Physical-Layer Network Coding," in Proc. IEEE ICC 2008, Beijing, China, May 2008. [bib]
  7. Bo Rong, Yi Qian, Kejie Lu, and M. Kadoch, "Call Admission Control for Mobile Agent Based Handover," in Proc. IEEE ICC 2008, Beijing, China, May 2008. [bib]
  8. Hua Zhu, Kejie Lu, and Ming Li, "Distributed Topology Control in Multi-Channel Multi-Radio Mesh Networks," in Proc. IEEE ICC 2008, Beijing, China, May 2008. [bib]


  1. Kejie Lu, Shengli Fu, Tao Zhang, and Yi Qian, "On the Design of Future Wireless Ad Hoc Networks," in Proc. of IEEE Globecom 2007, Washington DC, USA, Nov. 2007. [bib]
  2. Shengli Fu, Kejie Lu, Yi Qian, and Murali Varanasi, "Cooperative Network Coding for Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks," in Proc. of IEEE Globecom 2007, Washington DC, USA, Nov. 2007. [bib]
  3. Kejie Lu, Shengli Fu, Yi Qian, and Hsiao-Hwa Chen, "Increasing the Throughput of Wireless LANs Via Cooperative Retransmission," in Proc. of IEEE Globecom 2007, Washington DC, USA, Nov. 2007. [bib]
  4. Yi Qian, Kejie Lu, Bo Rong, and Hua Zhu, "Optimal Key Management for Secure and Survivable Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor," in Proc. of IEEE Globecom 2007, Washington DC, USA, Nov. 2007. [bib]
  5. Kejie Lu, Yi Qian, Domingo Rodriguez, Wilson Rivera, Manual Rodriguez, "Wireless Sensor Networks for Environmental Monitoring Applications: A Design Framework," in Proc. of IEEE Globecom 2007, Washington DC, USA, Nov. 2007. [bib]
  6. Kejie Lu, Shengli Fu, Yi Qian, and Sastri Kota, "A Novel Architecture for Future Wireless Mesh Networks," in Proc. IEEE Milcom 2007, Orlando, FL, USA, Oct. 2007. [bib]
  7. Tao Zhang, Kejie Lu, Gaoxi Xiao, and S.-Q. Zheng, "Design Principles and Formulation for Optical SMART Networks," in Proc. IEEE Milcom 2007, Orlando, FL, USA, Oct. 2007. [bib]
  8. Omar Villavicencio, Kejie Lu, Hua Zhu, and Sastri Kota, "Performance of IEEE 802.11n in Multi-Channel Multi-Radio Wireless Ad Hoc Network," in Proc. IEEE Milcom 2007, Orlando, FL, USA, Oct. 2007. [bib]
  9. Miguel A. Erazo, Yi Qian, Kejie Lu, and Domingo Rodriguez, "Analysis and Design of A MAC Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks with Periodic Monitoring Applications," in Proc. IEEE Milcom 2007, Orlando, FL, USA, Oct. 2007. [bib]
  10. Yi Qian, Kejie Lu, Bo Rong, Hector Lugo, and David Tipper, "An Optimal Key Management Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks," in Proc. IEEE Milcom 2007, Orlando, FL, USA, Oct. 2007. [bib]
  11. Hua Zhu and Kejie Lu, "Resilient Opportunistic Forwarding: Issues and Challenges," in Proc. IEEE Milcom 2007, Orlando, FL, USA, Oct. 2007. [bib]
  12. Kejie Lu, Tao Zhang, and Ayat Jafari, "An Anycast Routing Scheme for Supporting Emerging Grid Computing Applications in OBS Networks," in Proc. of IEEE ICC 2007, Glasgow, UK, Jun. 2007. [bib]
  13. Bo Rong, Yi Qian, and Kejie Lu, "Downlink Call Admission Control in Multiservice WiMAX Networks," in Proc. of IEEE ICC 2007, Glasgow, UK, Jun. 2007. [bib]
  14. Kejie Lu, Tao Zhang, Shengli Fu, Yi Qian, Ashwin Gumaste, and S.-Q. Zheng, "A Design Principle for Future High-Speed Networks," in Proc. of High-Speed Networks Workshop 2007 (with IEEE INFOCOM 2007), Anchorage, AK, USA, May 2007. [bib]
  15. Yi Qian, Kejie Lu, and David Tipper, "Towards Survivable and Secure Wireless Sensor Networks," in Proc. of IEEE IPCCC 2007 (WIA'07), New Orleans, LA, USA, Apr. 2007. [bib]


  1. Jieyan Fan, Dapeng Wu, Kejie Lu, and Antonio Nucci, "Design of Bloom Filter Array for Network Anomaly Detection," in Proc. of IEEE Globecom 2006, San Francisco, CA, USA, Nov. 2006. [bib]
  2. Tao Jiang, Kejie Lu, Dapeng Wu, and Guangxi Zhu, "On The Uniform Companding Transform for Reducing PAPR of MCM Signals," in Proc. of IEEE Globecom 2006, San Francisco, CA, USA, Nov. 2006. [bib]
  3. Kejie Lu, Yi Qian, and Shengli Fu, "Enhancing The Performance of Wireless LANs in Error-Prone Environment," in Proc. of IEEE Globecom 2006, San Francisco, CA, USA, Nov. 2006. [bib]
  4. Xiaodong Huang, Qinya She, Tao Zhang, Kejie Lu, and Jason P. Jue, "Small Group Multicast with Deflection Routing in Optical Burst Switched Networks," in Proc. of International Workshop on Optical Burst/Packet Switching (WOBS 2006), San Jose, CA, USA, Oct. 2006. [bib]
  5. Hua Zhu and Kejie Lu, "On The Interference Modeling Issues for Coordinated Distributed Scheduling in IEEE 802.16 Mesh Network," in Proc. of the Third International Conference on Broadband Communications, Networks and Systems (BROADNETS 2006), San Jose, CA, USA, Oct. 2006. [bib]
  6. Kejie Lu and Yi Qian, "On The Performance Of A Distributed Key Management Scheme In Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks," in Proc. of IEEE MILCOM 2006, Washington DC, USA, Oct. 2006. [bib]
  7. Kejie Lu, Jianfeng Wang, Dapeng Wu, and Yuguang Fang, "Performance of A Burst-Frame-Based CSMA/CA Protocol for High Data Rate Ultra-Wideband Networks: Analysis and Enhancement," in Proc. of The Third International Conference on Quality of Service in Heterogeneous Wired/Wireless Networks (QShine 2006), Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, Aug. 2006. [bib]
  8. Marc De Leenheer, Farid Farahmand, Kejie Lu, Tao Zhang, Pieter Thysebaert, Bruno Volckaert, Filip De Turck, Bart Dhoedt, Piet De, "Anycast Algorithms Supporting Optical Burst Switched Grid Networks," in Proc. of International Conference on Networking and Services (ICNS'06), Silicon Valley, USA, Jul 2006. [bib]
  9. Kejie Lu and Yi Qian, "Performance Analysis of A Retransmission Scheme for High-Data-Rate MAC Protocol in Wireless LANs," in Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2006, Istanbul, Turkey, Jun. 2006. [bib]
  10. Hua Zhu and Kejie Lu, "Performance of IEEE 802.16 Mesh Coordinated Distributed Scheduling Under Realistic Non-Quasi-Interference Channel," in Proc. of the International Conference on Wireless Networks (ICWN'06), Las Vegas, USA, Jun. 2006. [bib]
  11. Kejie Lu, Yi Qian, and Jiankun Hu, "A Framework for Distributed Key Management Schemes in Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks," in Proc. of IEEE International Performance Computing and Communications Conference (IPCCC), Workshop on Information Assurance 20, pp. 513-519, Phoenix, Arizona, USA, Apr. 2006. [bib]


  1. Yu Zheng, Kejie Lu, Dapeng Wu, and Yuguang Fang, "Performance Analysis of IEEE 802.11 DCF in Binary Symmetric Channels," in Proc. of IEEE Globecom 2005, St. Louis, MO, USA, Nov. 2005. [bib]
  2. Kejie Lu, Jieyan Fan, James Greco, Dapeng Wu, S. Todorovic, and Antonio Nucci, "A Novel Anti-DDoS System for Large-Scale Internet," ACM SIGCOMM 2005, Work-in-Progress Session, Philadelphia, PA, USA, Aug. 2005. [bib]
  3. M.-A. Park, Kejie Lu and Jason P. Jue, "On the Routing and Wavelength Assignment with Inaccurate Network State Information in Wavelength-Routed Networks," in Proc. of IASTED International Conference on Optical Communication Systems and Networks, Banff, Canada, Jun. 2005. [bib]
  4. Tao Zhang, Kejie Lu, and Jason P. Jue, "An Analytical Model for Shared Fiber Delay Line Buffers in Asynchronous Optical Packet and Burst Switches," in Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2005, Vol. 3, pp. 1636-1640, Seoul, Korea, May 2005. [bib]
  5. Kejie Lu, Dapeng Wu, Yuguang Fang, and Robert C. Qiu, "Performance Analysis of A Burst-Frame-Based MAC Protocol for Ultra-Wideband Ad Hoc Networks," in Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2005, Vol. 5, pp. 2937-2941, Seoul, Korea, May 2005. [bib]
  6. Kejie Lu, Dapeng Wu, Yuguang Fang, and Robert C. Qiu, "On Medium Access Control for High Data Rate Ultra-Wideband Ad Hoc Networks," in Proc. of IEEE Wireless and Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) 2005, Vol. 2, pp. 795-800, New Orleans, LA, USA, Mar. 2005. [bib]
  7. Tao Zhang, Kejie Lu and Jason P. Jue, "Architectures and Performance of Fiber Delay Line Buffers in Packet-Based Multifiber Optical Networks," in Proc. of OFC 2005, Vol. 1, pp. 220-222, Mar. 2005. [bib]


  1. Kejie Lu, Gaoxi Xiao, Jason P. Jue, Tao Zhang, Shengli Yuan, and Imrich Chlamtac, "Blocking Analysis of Multifiber Wavelength-Routed Networks," in Proc. of IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (Globecom) 2004, pp. 1958-1962, Dallas, TX, USA, Nov. 2004. [bib]
  2. Guoping Zeng, Imrich Chlamtac, and Kejie Lu, "A Finite Queueing Network Model for Burst Assembler in OBS Networks," in Proc. of Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (SPECT) 2004, pp. 642-648, San Jose, CA, USA, Jul 2004. [bib]
  3. Guoping Zeng, Kejie Lu, and Imrich Chlamtac, "On the Conservation Law in Optical Burst Switching Networks," in Proc. of Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (SPECT) 2004, pp. 124-129, Jul 2004. [bib]
  4. Tao Zhang, Kejie Lu, and Jason P. Jue, "Differentiated Contention Resolution for QoS in Photonic Packet-Switched Networks," in Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2004, pp. 1599-1603, Paris, France, Jun. 2004. [bib]
  5. Kejie Lu, Shengli Fu, and Xiang-Gen Xia, "Closed Form Designs of Complex Orthogonal Space-Time Block Codes of Rates (k+1)/(2k) for 2k or 2k+1 Transmit Antennas," in Proc. of IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), pp. 307-307, Chicago, IL, USA, Jun. 2004. [bib]


  1. Kejie Lu, Jason P. Jue, Gaoxi Xiao, Imrich Chlamtac, and Timucin Ozugur, "A Distributed Signaling Scheme for Provisioning Dynamic Traffic in Wavelength-Routed Networks," in Proc. of SPIE Opticomm. 2003, pp. 151-162, Dallas, TX, USA, Oct. 2003. [bib]
  2. Kejie Lu, Jason P. Jue, Timucin Ozugur, Gaoxi Xiao, and Imrich Chlamtac, "Intermediate-Node Initiated Reservation (IIR): A New Signaling Scheme for Wavelength-Routed Networks with Sparse Conversion," in Proc. of IEEE ICC 2003, Vol. 2, pp. 1386-1390, Anchorage, AK, USA, May 2003. [bib]
  3. Kejie Lu, Gaoxi Xiao, and Imrich Chlamtac, "Behavior of Distributed Wavelength Provisioning in Wavelength-Routed Networks with Partial Wavelength Conversion," in Proc. of IEEE INFOCOM 2003, Vol. 3, pp. 1816-1825, San Francisco, CA, USA, Mar. 2003. [bib]


  1. Kejie Lu, Gaoxi Xiao, and Imrich Chlamtac, "Blocking Analysis of Dynamic Lightpath Establishment in Wavelength-Routed Networks," in Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Communication (ICC) 2002, Vol. 5, pp. 2912-2916, New York, USA, Apr. 2002. [bib] [pdf]