List of Publications in Big Data Area


  1. Luning Wang, Zhongzheng Tang, Qian Xu, Kejie Lu, Jianping Wang, Kui Wu and Xiaohua Jia, "SNIFF: A Scalable Network Inference Framework for Measuring End-to-End Performance Based on Matrix Completion," Proc. BIGCOM2019, Aug. 2019. [bib]


  1. Hermine Hovhannisyan, Wen Qi, Kejie Lu, Rongwei Yang, Jianping Wang, "Whispers in the cloud storage: A novel cross-user deduplication-based covert channel design," Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications, Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 277-286, Mar. 2018. [bib]


  1. Jinguo Li, Mi Wen, Kejie Lu, and Chunhua Gu, "PIMRS: achieving privacy and integrity-preserving multi-owner ranked-keyword search over encrypted cloud data," Security and Communication Networks, Vol. 9, No. 16, pp. 3765-3776, Nov. 2016. [bib]
  2. Mi Wen, Shui Yu, Jinguo Li, Hongwei Li, and Kejie Lu, "Big Data Storage Security," Big Data Concepts, Theories and Applications, pp. 237-255, 2016. [bib]


  1. Huan Li, Kejie Lu, and Shicong Meng, "BigProvision: A Provisioning Framework for Big Data Analytics," IEEE Network, Vol. 29, No. 5, pp. 50-56, Oct. 2015. [bib]
  2. Hermine Hovhannisyan, Kejie Lu, Rongwei Yang, Wen Qi, Jianping Wang, Mi Wen, "A Novel Deduplication-Based Covert Channel in Cloud Storage Service," in Proc. IEEE Globecom 2015, Dec. 2015. [bib]
  3. Mi Wen, Kejie Lu, Jingsheng Lei, Fengyong Li, Jing Li, "BDO-SD: An Efficient Scheme for Big Data Outsourcing with Secure Deduplication," in Proc. IEEE INFOCOM 2015, Workshop on BigData Security (BigSecurity), Apr. 2015. [bib]