List of Publications in Wireless Communications Area


  1. Haomeng Zhang, Junfei Xie, Yan Wan, Shengli Fu, and Kejie Lu, "Advancing Networked Airborne Computing with mmWave for Air-to-Air Communications," to appear, in Proc. ISICN 2024, Mar. 2024. [bib]


  1. Haomeng Zhang, Baoqian Wang, Ruitao Wu, Junfei Xie, Yan Wan, Shengli Fu, and Kejie Lu, "Exploring Networked Airborne Computing: A Comprehensive Approach with Advanced Simulator and Hardware Testbed," Published online, Unmanned Systems, Nov. 2023. [bib]


  1. Kejie Lu, Junfei Xie, Yan Wan, Shengli Fu, "Toward UAV-Based Airborne Computing," IEEE Wireless Communications, Vol. 26, No. 6, pp. 172-179, Dec. 2019. [bib]


  1. Jienan Chen, Junfei Xie, Yixin Gu, Songwei Li, Shengli Fu, Yan Wan, Kejie Lu, "Long-Range and Broadband Aerial Communication using Directional Antennas (ACDA): Design and Implementation," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Vol. 66, No. 12, pp. 10793-10805, Dec. 2017. [bib]
  2. Jing Yan, Yan Wan, Shengli Fu, Junfei Xie, Songwei Li, and Kejie Lu, "Received signal strength indicator-based decentralised control for robust long-range aerial networking using directional antenn," IET Control Theory and Applications, Vol. 11, No. 11, pp. 1838-1847, Jul 2017. [bib]
  3. Jin Wang, Kejie Lu, Jianping Wang, and Chunming Qiao, "A Joint Network Coding and Device Association Design for Optimal Local Data Exchange in Fiber-Wireless Access Network," IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol. 35, No. 11, pp. 2046-2062, Jun. 2017. [bib]


  1. Fengye Zhang, Songlin Sun, Bo Rong, Fei Richard Yu, Kejie Lu, "A Novel Massive MIMO Precoding Scheme for Next Generation Heterogeneous Networks," in Proc. IEEE Globecom 2015, Dec. 2015. [bib]


  1. Zeyu Zheng, Shengli Fu, Kejie Lu, Jianping Wang, Biao Chen, "On the relay selection for cooperative wireless networks with physical-layer network coding," Springer Wireless Networks, Vol. 18, No. 6, pp. 653-665, Aug. 2012. [bib]
  2. Tao Zhang, Kejie Lu, Shengli Fu, Yi Qian, Wang Liu, and Jianping Wang, "Improving the Capacity of Large-Scale Wireless Networks with Network-Assisted Coding Schemes," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 88-96, Jan. 2012. [bib]


  1. Shengli Fu, Kejie Lu, Tao Zhang, Yi Qian, and Haisao-Hwa Chen, "Cooperative wireless networks based on physical layer network coding," IEEE Wireless Communications, Vol. 17, No. 6, pp. 86-95, Dec. 2010. [bib]


  1. Kejie Lu, Shengli Fu, Yi Qian, and Hsiao-Hwa Chen, "SER Performance Analysis for Physical Layer Network Coding over AWGN Channel," in Proc. IEEE Globecom 2009, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, Dec. 2009. [bib]
  2. Dong Wang, Shengli Fu, and Kejie Lu, "Channel Coding Design to Support Asynchronous Physical Layer Network Coding," in Proc. IEEE Globecom 2009, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, Dec. 2009. [bib]
  3. Kejie Lu, Shengli Fu, Yi Qian, and Tao Zhang, "On The Security Performance of Physical-Layer Network Coding," in Proc. IEEE ICC 2009, Dresden, Germany, Jun. 2009. [bib]


  1. Kejie Lu, Yi Qian, Hsiao-Hwa Chen, and Shengli Fu, "WiMAX Networks: From Access To Service Platform," IEEE Network, Vol. 22, No. 3, pp. 38-45, May 2008. [bib]
  2. Kejie Lu, Tao Zhang, Yi Qian, and Shengli Fu, "A Novel Topology Control Scheme for Future Wireless Mesh Networks," in Proc. IEEE Globecom 2008, New Orleans, Nov. 2008. [bib]


  1. Kejie Lu, Shengli Fu, Tao Zhang, and Yi Qian, "On the Design of Future Wireless Ad Hoc Networks," in Proc. of IEEE Globecom 2007, Washington DC, USA, Nov. 2007. [bib]
  2. Shengli Fu, Kejie Lu, Yi Qian, and Murali Varanasi, "Cooperative Network Coding for Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks," in Proc. of IEEE Globecom 2007, Washington DC, USA, Nov. 2007. [bib]
  3. Kejie Lu, Shengli Fu, Yi Qian, and Sastri Kota, "A Novel Architecture for Future Wireless Mesh Networks," in Proc. IEEE Milcom 2007, Orlando, FL, USA, Oct. 2007. [bib]


  1. Tao Jiang, Kejie Lu, Dapeng Wu, and Guangxi Zhu, "On The Uniform Companding Transform for Reducing PAPR of MCM Signals," in Proc. of IEEE Globecom 2006, San Francisco, CA, USA, Nov. 2006. [bib]


  1. Kejie Lu, Shengli Fu, and Xiang-Gen Xia, "Closed-Form Designs of Complex Orthogonal Space-Time Block Codes of Rates (k+1)/(2k) for 2k or 2k+1 Transmit Antennas," IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 51, No. 12, pp. 4340-4347, Dec. 2005. [bib]


  1. Kejie Lu, Shengli Fu, and Xiang-Gen Xia, "Closed Form Designs of Complex Orthogonal Space-Time Block Codes of Rates (k+1)/(2k) for 2k or 2k+1 Transmit Antennas," in Proc. of IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), pp. 307-307, Chicago, IL, USA, Jun. 2004. [bib]