List of Publications in Wireless Network Capacity Area


  1. Wang Liu, Kejie Lu, Jianping Wang, Yi Qian, Liusheng Huang, Jun Liu, Dapeng Oliver Wu, "On the throughput-delay trade-off in large-scale MANETs with a generalized i.i.d. mobility model," in Proc. IEEE INFOCOM 2013, Apr. 2013. [bib]


  1. Wang Liu, Kejie Lu, Jianping Wang, Guoliang Xing and Liusheng Huang, "Performance Analysis of Wireless Sensor Networks with Mobile Sinks," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Vol. 61, No. 6, pp. 2777-2788, Jul 2012. [bib]
  2. Wang Liu, Kejie Lu, Jianping Wang, Liusheng Huang, and Dapeng Oliver Wu, "On the Throughput Capacity of Wireless Sensor Networks With Mobile Relays," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Vol. 61, No. 4, pp. 1801-1809, May 2012. [bib] [pdf]
  3. Tao Zhang, Kejie Lu, Shengli Fu, Yi Qian, Wang Liu, and Jianping Wang, "Improving the Capacity of Large-Scale Wireless Networks with Network-Assisted Coding Schemes," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 88-96, Jan. 2012. [bib]
  4. Wang Liu, Kejie Lu, Jianping Wang, Yi Qian, Tao Zhang, and Liusheng Huang, "Capacity of Distributed Content Delivery in Large-Scale Wireless Ad Hoc Networks," in Proc. IEEE INFOCOM 2012, Mar. 2012. [bib]


  1. Kejie Lu, Wang Liu, Jianping Wang, Tao Zhang, Shengli Fu, "Achieving the Capacity Bounds of Multicast in Large-Scale Wireless Networks," in Proc. IEEE ISIT 2010, Austin, Texas, Jun. 2010. [bib]
  2. Tao Zhang, Kejie Lu, Ayat Jafari, Shengli Fu, and Yi Qian, "On the Capacity Bounds of Large-Scale Wireless Network with Physical-Layer Network Coding Under the Generalized Physical Model," in Proc. IEEE ICC 2010 - Workshop on Cooperative and Cognitive Mobile Networks, Cape Town, South Africa, May 2010. [bib]


  1. Kejie Lu, Shengli Fu, Yi Qian, and Hsiao-Hwa Chen, "On Capacity of Random Wireless Networks with Physical-Layer Network Coding," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Vol. 27, No. 5, pp. 763-772, Jun. 2009. [bib]


  1. Kejie Lu, Shengli Fu, and Yi Qian, "Capacity of Random Wireless Networks: Impact of Physical-Layer Network Coding," in Proc. IEEE ICC 2008, Beijing, China, May 2008. [bib]