Dr. Vidya Manian

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Puerto Rico
PO Box 9000
Mayaguez, PR 00681-9000
Office: CID Bldg. 221, S-408
Phone: (787) 832 4040 x 5845, 5840, 3650
Fax: (787) 832-2825
Email: vidya.manian@upr.edu


Recruiting graduate students, Deadline for application: 18 March, 2025

  • Large Languge Models for Digital Twins Technology in Microgrids, Biomedical, and Remote Sensing
  • Sparse, deep data repersentations, and learning for hyperspectral, biomedical, and particle physics data distributions

  • Artificial Intelligence Modeling for High Energy Physics (HEP), hyperspectral, and biomedical datasets - Project: Expanding Artificial Intelligence- Partner with The NSF IAIFI @ MIT The NSF AI Institute
  • Brain computer intefacing @ BCI Lab RA-4, CID

  • EEG and fMRI biomedical data fusion and predictive AI modeling

    Artificial Intelligence Imaging Group


    Estefania Alfaro Mejia, PhD in Electrical Engineering, June 2024

    Harshini Gangapuram, PhD in Bioengineering, June 2024

    Anibal Romney Diaz, PhD in Bioengineering, June 2023

    William Navas Aguar, PhD in CISE, June 2021

    Cesar Aceros, PhD in Electrical Engineering, June 2019

    First PhD student graduated from Electrical Engineering

    Ollantay Medina, PhD in CISE, June 2014

  • With the first lady Sra. Wilma Pastrana (Wife of the Governor of PR) at La Fortaleza (Governor's house in San Juan), honored by the first lady as one of the women contributing to Education, art and business in Puerto Rico.

  • Distinguished Professor of Research Award -9 May 2014

  • Distinguished Professor of Electrical & Computer Engineering - 5 May 2015, May 2021


    Introduction to Brain Machine(Computer) Interfaces BING 8995
  • Estimation, Detection and Stochastic Processes INEL 6078

    Data Structures ICOM 4035

    Signals and Systems INEL 4095

    Digital Signal Processing INEL 5309

    Machine Learning and Pattern Recognition INEL 5046

    Introduction to Remote Sensing INEL 6007

    Digital Image Processing INEL 6209

    Fundamentals of Computing-ICOM 4075

    Image Processing-INEL 5327

    Electrical System Analysis II-INEL 4102


    Hyperspectral multilevel GCN and CNN feature fusion for change detection, IEEE transactions. Journal of special topics in Earth observations and applied remote sensing, Vol. 17, pp. 19146-19159, 14 October 2024

    A multicategory jet image classification framework using deep neural network, arXiv.2407.03524, 3 July 2024

    An elliptic kernel unsupervised autoencoder graph convolutional network ensemble model for hyperspectral unmixing, arXiv.2406.06742, 10 June 2024.

    Artifiical intelligence approach for classifying images of upper-atmospheric transient luminous events, Sensors, 24(10), 3208, 18 May 2024

    Electroencephalogram functional connectivity analysis and classification of metnal arithmetic working memory task, Signals, 5(2), 292-325, 8May 2024

    Photovoltaic power generation forecasting with hidden Markov model and long short-term memory in MISO and SISO configurations, Energies, 17(3), 668, 30 January 2024

    A blid convolutional deep autoencoder for spectral unmixing of hyperspectral images over waterbodies, Frontiers in Earth Science, Vol 11, 12 OCtober 2023

    Land use land cover labeling of GLOBE images using a deep learning fusion model, Sensors, 22(18),6895, August 2022

    Detection of target genes for drug repurposing to treat skeletal muscle atrophy in mice flown in spaceflight, Genes, 13(3), 473, March 2022

    Hyperspectral image labeling and classification using an ensemble semi-supervised machine learning approach, Sensors Journal, 22(4), 1623, Feb. 2022

    Optimizing seizure prediction from reduced scalp EEG channels based on spectral features and MAML, IEEE Access, Volume 9, pages 164348-164357, December 2021

    An integrative network science and artificial intelligence drug repurposing approach for muscle atrophy in spaceflight microgravity, Frontiers, Cell and Developmental Biology, 2021

    Spatial low-rank tensor factorization and unmixing of hyperspectral images, mdpi Computers Journal, 10(6), 78, 2021

    Detection of genes in Arabidopsis thaliana L. responding to DNA damage from radiation and other stressors in spaceflight, mdpi Genes Journal, 12(6), 938, 2021

    Network analysis of gene transcriptions of Arabidopsis thaliana in spaceflight mcirogravity, mdpi Genes Journal, 12(3), 337, 2021

    Network analysis of local gene regulators in Arabidopsis thaliana under spaceflight stress, mdpi Computers Journal, 10(2), 18, 2021

    EEG and deep learning based brain cognitive function classification, Mdpi Journal, Special Issue Feature Paper in Computers, 9(4), 104, December 2020

    Comparison of frontal-temporal channels in epilepsy seizure prediction based on EEMD-ReliefF and DNN, Mdpi Journal 9(4), 78, Sept. 2020

    Auditory source localization by time frequency analysis and classification of electroencephalogram signals, Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research, Vol. 19(5), July 2019

    Assessment of cognitive aging using an SSVEP-Based Brain-Computer Interface System, mdpi Journal of Big Data and Cognitive Computing, Vol. 3(2), May 2019

    J. Tantiongloc, D. A. Mesa, R. Ma, S. Kim, C. H. Alzate, J. Camacho, V. Manian and T. P. Coleman, "An information and control framework for optimizing user-complaint human computer interfaces," JOURNAL of PROC. OF THE IEEE 105.2, 273-285, 2017

    A. Alarcon, M.R.Rwebangira, M.F. Chouika and V. Manian, "A new methodology based on level sets for target detection in hyperspectral images," IEEE Trans. Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol. 54, No. 9, 5385-5396, 2016

    A. Sotomayor, J. Vidal, O. Medina and V. Manian, "Biodiversity assessment in coral reef benthic habitats using hyperspectral images," IEEE SMC World Automation Congress, DOI: 10.1109/WAC.2016.7582946, IEEE, Oct. 2016.

    O. Medina and V. Manian, "A hierarchical semantic memory model for classification of motion capture data," IEEE SMC World Automation Congress, DOI: 10.1109/WAC.2016.7582947, IEEE, Oct. 2016.

    O. Nieves and V. Manian, "Automatic person authentication using fewer channel EEG motor imagery," IEEE SMC World Automation Congress, DOI: 10.1109/WAC.2016.7582945, IEEE, Oct. 2016.

    J. Camacho and V.Manian, "Real-time single channel EEG motor imagery based Brain Computer Interface, "IEEE SMC World Automation COngress, DOI:10.1109/WAC.2016.7582973, IEEE, Oct. 2016.

    O. Medina, V. Manian and J. D. Chinea, "Biodiversity assessment using hierarchical agglomerative clustering and spectral unmixing over hyperspectral images," Sensors Journal, 13(10), 13949-13959, 2013.

    S. Huaman and V. Manian, "Object segmentation in hyperspectral images using active contours and graph cuts," Intl. Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol. 33, NO. 4, pp. 1246-1263, Feb. 2012.

    S. Velasco-Forero and V. Manian, "Improving hyperspectral image classification using spatial preprocessing," IEEE Trans. Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 297-301, April 2009.

    V. Manian and M. Velez-Reyes, "Support vector classification of land cov er and benthic habitat from hyperspectral iamges," Intl. Journal of high speed electornics and systems, Vol. 18, NO. 2, pp. 337-348, June 2008.

    V. Manian and L. O. Jimenez, "Land cover and benthic habitat classification using texture features from multispectral and hyperspectral images," Journal of Electronic Imaging, SPIE, VOl. 16, No. 2, 2007.

    V. Manian and A. Ross, “Face detection using statistical and multi-resolution texture features.” Multimedia Cyberspace Journal, Special Issue on Pattern Recognition and Bioinformatics, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 1-9, 2005.

    V. Manian and R. Vasquez, “Texture discrimination based on neural dynamics of visual perception.” In IEEE Joint Intl. conf. Neural Networks, Proceedings IEEE, Portland, Oregon, July 2003.

    V. Manian and R. Vasquez, “Approaches to color and texture based image classification.” Journal of Optical Engineering, SPIE, Vol. 41, No. 7, pp. 1480-1490, July 2002.

    V. Manian, R. Vásquez, and P. Katiyar, “Texture classification using logical operators.” IEEE Trans. on image processing, Vol. 9, No: 10, pp. 1693-1703, Oct. 2000.

    V. Manian and R. Vásquez, “Scaled and rotated texture classification using a class of basis functions.” Journal of Pattern Recognition, Vol. 31, No. 12, pp. 1937-1948, 1998