INGE 4001 - Engineering Materials

Sections 040 & 080- 1st. Semester 2010-2011

Professor's Data Sheet

TEAM ASSIGNMENT Nš1:  Structure of Semiconductors
10 pts

Due Monday November 8 in class

InGaAs (indium gallium arsenide) chemical formula can be more accurately described by InxGa1-xAs, where x can vary from 0 to 1. In other words this is a solid solution where indium atoms replace (substitute) gallium ones (or viceversa) in the compound structure (zinc blende type). This is semiconducting material with numerous applications in electronic devices in general and fast transistors in particular.

The lattice parameters of InAs and GaAs can be obtained from the literature: you may use the web or - better - the library databases. You must report at least two references (be as accurate as possible) where you obtained both lattice constants. The lattice parameter of InxGa1-xAs can be approximated using Vegard's rule (using InAs and GaAs as end points).

Using foam balls construct a model with four unit cells of In0.75Ga0.25As. Make sure the model reflects proportionally the difference in atom size and the composition. Your model will be judged based on: a) accuracy, b) neatness, and c) durability.

Hand in the model plus a short report on how you prepare the model (based on the chemical composition) as well as the references used and a potential or current application of the material. The best model will receive an additional 2 point bonus.

Please include ONLY the names of those team members who participated in the assignment. Leave out (do not report) those students who did not collaborate. Only those students whose names are included will receive credit for this assignment.

For more information contact: O. Marcelo Suárez