INGE 4001 - Engineering Materials

Section 086 - 2nd. Semester 2009-2010

Professor's Data Sheet


To be evaluated in Mid Term Exam # 1

Very basic knowledge of polymer structures were introduced during the instruction of Atomic and Molecular Bonding. Therefore the present assignment should not be difficult to complete and will build on your knowledge of polymers. In the textbook please read the following: Chapter 16 (pages 563-568, 572-580, 591-598), Sections 16.1, 16.3, 16.5, 16-8 and 16.9. Then solve the following example problems: 16-4 and 16-5.

After reading carefully you should be able to:

Describe the polymerization process
Calculate the molecular weight of a polymer or a mer.
Define stereoisomerism
Classify copolymers
Describe thermoplastic elastomers.
Provide examples of common thermosets
Answer the following questions (not in the book): How are melting points related to molecular weight in linear, simple polymers? Why?

Start reading TODAY!!

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For more information contact: O. Marcelo Suárez