ICOM 5995: Performance Instrumentation and Visualization for High Performance Computer Systems


Homework #2 (10 points)

Due date: Thursday, September 12, 2002

Send solution by email to Nayda.Santiago@ece.uprm.edu by midnight.


Read chapter 1 of the book “High Performance Computing” by Kevin Dowd entitled What is High Performance Computing? This chapter establishes the motivation for studying performance of computer systems.


Answer the following questions:

1.      State two important factors which will influence computer performance.

2.      Why is benchmarking not effective for measuring performance?

3.      Cite three topics we need to understand in order to improve the performance of our code.


Read chapter 1 of the book “Computer Systems Performance Evaluation” by Domenico Ferrari. This chapter introduces basic concepts of performance evaluation.


Answer the following questions:

4.      Define performance. Establish the difference between performance and correctness.

5.      Define performance evaluation studies.

6.      Define computer system.

7.      Define workload.

8.      Define workload parameters.

9.      Establish the difference between configuration versus version.

10.  Define performance index.



  1. Kevin Dowd  High Performance Computing. O’Reilly & Associates, Inc., 1993.
  2. Domenico Ferrari. Computer Systems Performance Evaluation. Prentice Hall, Inc., 1978.