ICOM 5995: Performance Instrumentation and Visualization
for High Performance Computer Systems
Progress Report #1
Due date: Friday,
October 4, 2002 Monday, October 14, 2002
Send report by email to Nayda.Santiago@ece.uprm.edu by midnight. Please use either Word (*.doc), Poscript (*.ps), or PDF format for the report (*.pdf). If you use *.doc format, please do not save in word xp format. Other *.doc formats are fine.
Project Proposal
Write a project proposal for the project of the course ICOM 5995. You will select one of the following subjects for your project:
Identify the problem and propose a solution. Determine tasks and estimate its importance for the overall goal. Estimate the time each task will take. Prepare a time schedule.
Proposal format:
Please follow the document “Writing Formal Reports: An Approach for Engineering Students in 21st
Century, Third Edition” available
at http://www.ece.uprm.edu/~nayda/Courses/Icom5995F02/Report_Format.pdf