University of Puerto Rico

Mayagüez Campus

College of Engineering

Syllabus & Instructor Information Sheet Form



1. General Information:


Course Number:

Course Title:



ICOM 5995

Special Problems: Performance Instrumentation and Visualization for High Performance Computer Systems




2. Course Description:


One to three credit hours. One to three laboratory periods per week.

Investigations and special problems in computer engineering or related fields, open to outstanding computer engineering students.



3. Pre/Co-requisites:


Pre-requisites: INEL 4215 (Computer Architecture and Organization), ICOM 4015 (Advanced Programming)



4. Textbook, Supplies and Other Resources:



Ian Foster, Designing and Building Parallel Programs, Addison-Wesley Inc., 1995

The book is also available online at:


G. Golub and J.M. Ortega, Scientific Computation: An Introduction with Parallel Computing, Academic Press, 1993.


D. E. Culler and J. P. Singh. Parallel Computer Architecture. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers Inc., second edition, 1999.


R. Jain, The Art of Computer Systems Performance Analysis: Techniques for Experimental Design, Measurement, Simulation, and Modeling, Wiley- Interscience, New York, 1991.


Readings on parallel programming, performance metrics, performance tools, visualization, and data collection.



5. Purpose:


The purpose of the course is to introduce computer engineering students to the process of instrumenting and visualizing the performance of computational code to high-performance computing systems.



6. Course Goals:


After completing the course, each student should be able to understand hardware/software performance issues for high-performance computing systems. In addition, the student should be able to understand the mechanisms used to instrument and visualize the performance of code-machine interactions. The student should be able to tune code for improved performance.



7. Requirements:


Basic programming skills and computer architecture knowledge.



8. Laboratory/Field Work (If applicable):


No laboratory or field work in this course.



9. Department/Campus Policies:


9a. Class attendance: Class attendance is compulsory. The University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez Campus, reserves the right to deal at any time with individual cases of non-attendance. Professors are expected to record the absences of their students. Frequent absences affect the final grade, and may even result in total loss of credits. Arranging to make up work missed because of legitimate class absence is the responsibility of the student. (Bulletin of Information Undergraduate Studies, pp. 39 1995-96)

9b. Absence from examinations: Students are required to attend all examinations. If a student is absent from an examination for a justifiable reason acceptable to the professor, he or she will be given a special examination. Otherwise, he or she will receive a grade of zero of "F" in the examination missed. (Bulletin of Information Undergraduate Studies, pp. 39, 1995-96)

9c. Final examinations: Final written examinations must be given in all courses unless, in the judgment of the Dean, the nature of the subject makes it impracticable. Final examinations scheduled by arrangements must be given during the examination period prescribed in the Academic Calendar, including Saturdays. (See Bulletin of Information Undergraduate Studies, pp. 39, 1995-96).

9d. Partial withdrawals: A student may withdraw from individual courses at any time during the term, but before the deadline established in the University Academic Calendar. (See Bulletin of Information Undergraduate Studies, pp. 37, 1995-96).

9e. Complete withdrawals: A student may completely withdraw from the University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez Campus, at any time up to the last day of classes. (See Bulletin of Information Undergraduate Studies, pp. 37, 1995-96).

9f. Disabilities: All the reasonable accommodations according to the Americans with Disability Act (ADA) Law will be coordinated with the Dean of Students and in accordance with the particular needs of the student.

9g. Ethics: Any academic fraud is subject to the disciplinary sanctions described in article 14 and 16 of the revised General Student Bylaws of the University of Puerto Rico contained in Certification 018-1997-98 of the Board of Trustees. The professor will follow the norms established in articles 1-5 of the Bylaws.



10. Campus Resources:

·         Computer center facilities with programs necessary in the elaboration of homeworks/projects are located in  S-121 and 122. The server is

·         Every student officially enrolled in ICOM 5995 will have an account in the instructional laboratories.

  • Web access is encouraged for instructional purposes.
  • Occasionally there will be classes held in these labs (signs posted on the doors). Hours for the labs are posted. Please keep proper behavior in the labs and follow the lab rules.
  • Every student officially enrolled in ICOM 5995 will have an email address in the amadeus machine. Information for students will be disseminated through email.
  • Students enrolled in ICOM 5995 will be added to the mailing list for the course. This mailing list should only be used for course information exchange and not for personal purposes.



11. General Topics:

Overview of parallel and distributed systems

            System architectures

            Software environments

Introduction to parallel programming.

            Message passing

            Shared memory

Overview of performance evaluation methodologies

            Analytical methods.

            Simulation-based methodologies

            Measurement-based methodologies

Measurement-based tools


Performance analysis, tuning, and visualization.

Open questions and current areas of research.



University of Puerto Rico 

Mayagüez Campus 

College of Engineering



B. Instructor Information Sheet

1. General Information:





Office Hours:



Course URL:

Nayda G. Santiago Santiago



832-4040 Ext. 3178

By agreement. Please send email requesting a meeting.


2. Course Description: 

Course Number:         ICOM 5995

Course Title:             Performance Instrumentation and Visualization for High Performance Computer Systems

n       See item number 2 in Course Syllabus Section for Course Description.


3. Purpose:

The purpose of the course is to introduce computer engineering students to the process of instrumenting and visualizing the performance of computational code to high-performance computing systems.


4. Course Goals:

After completing the course, each student should be able to understand hardware/software performance issues for high-performance computing systems. In addition, the student should be able to understand the mechanisms used to instrument and visualize the performance of code-machine interactions. The student should be able to tune code for improved performance.


5. Requirements:

All students are expected to:

Complete all lessons.

Do all assigned readings and related homework.

Come to class all the time and on time.


6. Laboratory/Field Work (If applicable), General Rules:

No laboratory project of fieldwork is required.

Radios, tape recorders, and other audio or video equipment are not permitted in the classroom at any time.

Cellular Phones and pagers should be in quiet mode in the classroom.

Smoking is not permitted in any area other than those areas designated for smoking.


7. Instructional Strategy:

The course will consist mainly of individual work. Students will be assigned topics to read and evaluate. There will be interaction through email and the course web page. Attendance is required for all meetings and will count towards the final grade.


8. Evaluation/Grade Reporting:

Evaluation will be based on a project, a set of quizzes, and a final exam weighted as indicated below:

Project:                     30%

Progress reports:     30%

Homeworks:             30%

Attendance:               10%


Total:                         100%


Final grades will be assigned according to the following scale:

0          -           59        F

60        -           69        D

70        -           79        C

80        -           89        B

90        -           100      A

9. Deadlines:

Important dates:

Please check course web page for deadlines.

Final project due November 27, 2002.

10. Attendance and Behavior:

·                    Attendance will be monitored in class.

·                    It is the student responsibility to ensure signing-up everyday the attendance list to be circulated by the professor at the beginning of each class.

·                    No “special” projects will be given to anyone to improve grades or for any other reason.

·                    Students are not allowed improper behavior.

·                    Honesty is expected from all students. If a student is caught cheating, this clearly demonstrates that he or she is not capable of producing individual intellectual property material. Therefore the student will face the following sanctions:

·        The grade will be zero in the piece of work where cheating was found.

·        The department will be notified of the student name and evidence of cheating so the department determines if disciplinary action should be taken to the “Junta de Disciplina”. If there is a pending case at the “Junta de Disciplina”, the student will be awarded an incomplete with F until the “Junta de Disciplina” decides the case.

12. Instructor Responsibilities (If applicable):

Your instructor will provide handouts for material discussed in class not covered in the textbook. These will be available on the web page of the course.

13. Course Outline And Schedule:

--See item 11 in Course Syllabus Section

14. Additional References:

--See item 4 in Course Syllabus Section