INEL 4075

Fall 2001

Course Meeting Schedule

Week 1

Meeting 1 (8/20): Introduction to the course

Discuss syllabus. Discuss SI units. Definition of electric circuit.

Meeting 2 (8/22): Current

Definition of electric charge and current. Examples.

Meeting 3 (8/24): Voltage,  Power, and Energy.

Define voltage, power, energy.

Week 2

Meeting 4 (8/27): Active and Passive Elements. Resistor

Examples (power and energy). Active, passive elements. Introduction to resistor.
Assigned Problems: Exercises 1.4-2, 1.6-1, 1.6-2
Problems 1.3-1, 1.3-2, 1.3-3, 1.6-1, 1.6-2, 1.6-5, 1.6-9, 1.6-11, 1.6-13, 1.6-14, 1.6-17, 1.6-19

Meeting 5 (8/28) Make up class 6:00pm to 7:00pm in S-113

Ohm's Law. Power in a resistor. Examples.
Assigned Problems: Exercises 2.5-1, 2.5-2

Meeting 6 (8/29):  Ammeter and Voltmeter

Analog and digital meters. Connection for measuring. Intro. to dependent sources.

Meeting 7 (8/31): Dependent sources.

Types of sources. CCVS, VCVS, VCCS, CCCS. Examples.

Week 3

Meeting 8 (9/5): Transducers, Switches, Kirchhoff's Laws.

Potentiometer, Temp. Sensor.  Switches. Definition of node and loop.
Kirchhoff's Current Law (KCL).
Assigned Problems: Exercises 2.9-1, 2.9-2
Problems 2.4-1, 2.4-2, 2.5-1, 2.5-2, 2.5-3, 2.5-4, 2.5-5, 2.5-6,
2.6-1, 2.6-2, 2.6-3, 2.6-4, 2.7-1, 2.8-1, 2.9-1

Homework #1 due September 12, 2001.

Meeting 9 (9/7): Kirchhoff's Laws.

Kirchhoff's Current Law (KVL). Examples.

Week 4

Meeting 10 (9/10): Single loop circuit. Parallel resitors and current division.

Voltage divisor, resistors in series (equivalent resistance).
Current division, resistors in parallel (equivalent resistance).
Assigned Problems: Exercises 3.3-1, 3.4-1, 3.4-2, 3.4-3.

Meeting 11 (9/11): Make up class 6:00pm to 7:00pm in S-113.

Examples of series and parallel resistors problems and voltage and current division.
Assigned Problems: Exercises 3.5-2, 3.7-2
Problems 3.3-1, 3.3-3 (a) (b), 3.3-4, 3.3-5, 3.3-9, 3.4-1, 3.4-2, 3.4-4, 3.5-1,
3.5-2, 3.5-4, 3.7-1, 3.7-3, 3.7-6, 3.7-7, 3.7-11, 3.7-12, 3.7-14, 3.7-16
Exam #1 next week covers chapters 1, 2, and 3.

Meeting 12 (9/12): Node-Voltage Method

Introduction to the method.

Meeting 13 (9/14): Node-Voltage Method

Examples of method. Review solution of simultaneous equations.

Week 5

Meeting 14 (9/17): Review

Review for Exam #1.

Meeting 15 (9/18): Exam #1. 6:00pm to 7:00pm in S-113.

Meeting 16 (9/19): Node-Voltage Method.

Continue review solution of simultaneous equations. Getting all currents and voltages
when using node-voltage method.

Meeting 17 (9/21): Node-voltage Method.

Announcement: No class week of October 15 to October 19.

Week 6

Meeting 18 (9/24): Node-Voltage Method.

Node-voltage method with dependent sources.

Meeting 19 (9/26): Mesh-Current Method.

Mesh-Current analysis with independent voltage sources.
Assigned Problems: Exercises 4.3-1, 4.3-2, 4.4-1, 4.4-2, 4.5-2
Problems 4.31, 4.3-2, 4.3-5, 4.4-1, 4.4-2, 4.4-3, 4.4-4, 4.5-1, 4.5-2

Meeting 20 (9/28): Mesh-Current Method

Mesh-Current analysis with independent current sources. Supermesh.
Mesh-Current analysis with dependent sources.

Week 7

Meeting 21 (10/1): Source Transformations.

Introduce source transformations.
Assigned Problems: Problems 4.6-1, 4.6-2, 4.6-3, 4.7-1
4.7-2, 4.7-3, 4.7-4, 4.7-9, 4.7-10

Meeting 22 (10/3): Source Transformation. Superposition

Examples of source transformation. Superposition.
Assigned Problems: Exercises 5.3-1, 5.3-2, 5.3-3, 5.3-4
Problems 5.3-1, 5.3-2, 5.3-3

Meeting 23 (10/5): Thevenin's Theorem

Introduction to Thevenin equivalent

Week 8

Meeting 24 (10/8): Thevenin's Theorem

Assigned Problems: Exercise 5.5-1
Problems 5.5-1, 5.5-2, 5.5-3, 5.5-4

From (10/9 to 10/16): Strike UPR

Week 9

(10/17 and 10/19): Nayda Santiago attending LACSI conference.

Week 10

Meeting 25 (10/22): Review Thevenin's Theorem

Examples Thevenin equivalent.

Meeting 26 (10/24): Review

Review for Exam #2.

Meeting 27 (10/25): Exam #2. 6:00pm to 7:00pm in S-113.

Meeting 28 (10/26): Norton's Theorem. Maximum Power Transfer.

Norton equivalent. Maximum power transfer.
Assigned Problems: Exercise 5.6-1, 5.7-1
Problems 5.6-1, 5.6-2, 5.7-1, 5.7-2
Announcement: Quiz  Monday, Nov. 5, 2001
Material for the quiz: Norton and max. power transfer.

Week 11

Meeting 29 (10/29): Inductor and Capacitor

Introduction to inductor and capacitor. i-v equations
for capacitor.

(10/31): No class. Prof. absent
ANNOUNCEMENT: Exam #3 has been postponed for Nov. 20, 2001. From 6:00pm to 8:00pm in S-113.

Meeting 30 (11/2): Inductor and Capacitor.

i-v equations for inductor.

Week 12

Meeting 31 (11/5) Inductor and capacitor.

Quiz on Norton and Maximum Power Transfer.
Energy and Power

Meeting 32 (11/7) Inductor and capacitor

Series and parallel combinations.

Meeting 33 (11/9) Sinusoidal steady state analysis

Examples inductor and capacitor.
Introduction to steady-state analysis

Week 13

Meeting 34 (11/14) Sinusoidal steady state analysis

Turn in homework.

Meeting 35 (11/16)