INEL 4215

Course Meeting Schedule

Fall 2004

Week 1

Meeting 1 (Wenesday, Aug 11): Introduction to the course. Discuss syllabus and rules.

Meeting 2 (Friday, Aug 13): Introduction to Computer Architecture. What is Computer Architecture?

Week 2

Meeting 3 (Monday, August 16) Chapter 1

Meeting 4: (Wednesday, August 18) Chapter 1, Abstraction

Meeting 5: (Friday, August 20) Chapter 1, Different points of view of architecture

Week 2

Meeting 6 (Monday, August 23) Accounts in ECE, lecture in INCADEL (S-105C)

Meeting 7 (Wednesday, August 25) Homework 1 Due, Presentations: Modern architectures

Meeting 8 (Friday, August 27) Presentations: Modern architectures

Week 3

Meeting 9 (Monday, August 30) Presentations: Modern architectures

Meeting 10 (Wednesday, September 1) Chapter 1, Programmer;s View

Meeting 11 (Friday, September 3) Chapter 1, Computer Architect’s view. Intro to chapter 2.

Week 4

(Monday, September 6) HOLIDAY – LABOR DAY

Meeting 12 (Wednesday, September 8) Chapter 2, Components of ISA, What must an instruction specify?, 2 types of instructions

Meeting 13 (Friday, September 10) Quiz 1 (Chapter 1), 4-3-2-1-0 address instructions

Week 5

Meeting 14 (Monday, September 13, 2004) Chapter 2, Addressing Modes

(Wednesday, September 15) Recess – Hurricane Jeanne

(Friday, Sept 17) Recess – Hurricane Jeanne

Week 6

Meeting 15 (Monday, Sept 20) – Review Addressing Modes

Meeting 16 (Wednesday, Sept 22) – Hand in project 1 description. Discuss project.

Meeting 17 (Friday, Sept 24) – Continue discussion project 1. Hand in documents for evaluation project 1. Groups selected.

Week 7

Meeting 18 (Monday, Sept 27) – The Simple Risc Computer (SRC)

Meeting 19 (Wednesday, Sept 29) Description of instruction format and basic instructions for the SRC.

Meeting 20 (Friday, Oct 1) – JOB FAIR @ RUM, Lecture: Should I go to grad school? If so, what are the steps.

Week 8

Meeting 21 (Monday, Oct 4) – Review for exam

Meeting 22 (Wednesday, Oct  6) Exam 1