INEL 4215 – Computer Architecture and Organization

Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering

University of Puerto Rico - Mayaguez

Spring 2004



In our syllabus, we originally had the following weights for the grades in class:

Evaluation/Grade Reporting:

Evaluation will be based on one midterm exam, quizzes, projects, attendance, and a final exam weighted as indicated below:

Midterm:                               15%

Quizes:                                  5%

Projects:                               60%

Attendance:                           5%

Final Exam:                          15%


Total:                                   100%


Final grades will be assigned according to the following scale:

0          -           59        F

60        -           69        D

70        -           79        C

80        -           89        B

90        -           100      A


We will eliminate the final exam and the following weights will be used:

Evaluation/Grade Reporting:

Evaluation will be based on one midterm exam, quizzes, projects, attendance, and a final exam weighted as indicated below:

Midterm:                               18%

Quizes:                                  6%

Projects:                               70%

Attendance:                           6%


Total:                                   100%


Final grades will be assigned according to the following scale:

0          -           59        F

60        -           69        D

70        -           79        C

80        -           89        B

90        -           100      A