* Footprinting o Basics * Why o Scope of activities * Network enumeration * DNS Interrogation * Network reconnaisance * Scanning o Is it alive o What services are running * Scan types * Identifying TCP and UDP services running * Windows-based port scanners * Port scanning breakdown o Detecting the operating system * Active stack fingerprinting * Passive stack fingerprinting o Automated tools * Enumeration o NT/2K Enumeration * Network * Host * Applications and banner o Novell Enumeration * Network neighborhood o UNIX o BGP routes * Penetration * NETBIOS-SMB password guessing * Password hash eavesdropping * SMBRelay * Attacks against IIS-5 * Remote buffer overflows * Denial of Service (DoS) * Privilege escalation * Pilfering * Grabbing the password hashes * The encrypting file system * Exploiting trust * Covering tracks * Disabling auditing * Clearing the event log * Hiding files * Back doors * Startup manipulation * Remote control * Keystroke loggers * Footprinting * Why * Basics * Scope of activities * Network enumeration * DNS Interrogation * Network reconnaisance * Scanning * Is it alive * What services are running * Scan types * Identifying TCP and UDP services running * Windows-based port scanners * Port scanning breakdown * Detecting the operating system * Automated tools * Enumeration * NT/2K Enumeration * Network * Host * Applications and banner * Novell Enumeration * Network neighborhood * UNIX * BGP routes * Penetration * NETBIOS-SMB password guessing * Password hash eavesdropping * SMBRelay * Attacks against IIS-5 * Remote buffer overflows * Denial of Service (DoS) * Privilege escalation * Pilfering * Grabbing the password hashes * The encrypting file system * Exploiting trust * Covering tracks * Disabling auditing * Clearing the event log * Hiding files * Back doors * Startup manipulation * Remote control * Keystroke loggers