W elcome to
the Partnership For Space Science Education and Research
Program (PaSSER) Home Page. PaSSER is a multidisciplinary NASA
sponsored undergraduate research program at the University of Puerto
Rico at Mayaguez. The program is administered by the Physics and
Electrical & Computer Engineering Departments. Students from the
Electrical Engineering and Physics Departments are encouraged to
participate in the program.
F ollowing
the links in the menu on the left panel you will find detailed
information about PaSSER, our purpose, student programs of studies,
important dates, PaSSER's staff and other related information about our
program is a collaborative effort geared toward mentoring and
motivating undergraduate students to participate in educational
experiences that promote a greater understanding of space physics and
related technology. The PaSSER Program offers a creative scientific and
technical experience via undergraduate coursework and collaborative
research experiences with John Hopkins University and the Arecibo