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XVIII TI-UPRM Workshop: Think on Your Feet

Registration not available

FACILITATOR: Bob Jones (click here for bio)   

DATE:     October 30, 2007.

PLACE:     Eugene Francis Conference Room (in the Physics building)


Gain techniques to help you organize ideas, get to the point and be
remembered. The Think on Your Feet communications system flows from a
simple idea: clear speaking is clear thinking.

By focusing on an individual's ability to think quickly and clearly,
Think on Your Feet dramatically improves oral communication skills. The
techniques you learn will save you time. As a communications tool, Think
on Your Feet improves your ability to handle questions, communicate in
meetings and prepare short talks in ways perfectly tailored to your

This practical and intensive workshop is filled with practice, coaching,
and feedback on getting your message across. We ask participants to come
prepared with issues they are often confronted with as well as commonly
asked questions. Every participant receives a workshop manual
containing a synopsis of the formats for easy study, plus examples,
worksheets, checklists and memory-jogging wallet cards.


   * Think of it in the moment -- Buy time to compose a strong response
   * Be persuasive - Appeal to your listeners and increase retention
   * Handle difficult people with confidence - Increases diplomacy and opens communication to increase flow of information on a team
   * Handle a sale -- Listening builds rapport; you will know your audience and meet their needs; increase sales
   * Explain a technical topic -- Simplify a topic for quick comprehension; saves time; clarifies and boosts your image as a communicator
   * Explain an emotional topic-- Use the techniques for calming effect, to create a neutral stance
   * Organize thoughts logically - Allows you to express yourself without feeling defensive


8:00 AM Registration & Wake-up coffee
8:30 AM Morning Session (1/2)
10:15 AM Break
10:30 AM Morning Session (2/2)
12:00 M Lunch
1:00 PM Afternoon Session (1/2)
2:30 PM Break
2:45 PM  Afternoon Session (2/2)
4:30 PM Evaluation


Dr. Manuel Jimenez*
Electrical and Computer Engineering Department -RUM
Exts.: 3780

Dr. Gladys O. Docoudray
Electrical and Computer Engineering Department - RUM
Ext.: 3178

Dr. Rogelio Palomera
Electrical and Computer Engineering Department - RUM
Ext.: 3098

* Reservations

- The workshop will count for CEP credit (8 hours)
- Reservations required due to limited number of seats
- Refreshments and lunch will be served


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