
The Electric Energy Processing Systems Laboratory (E2PSyL) has experimental and computational facilities for research in power electronics and power systems. E2PSyL also supports multi-disciplinary projects with Industrial and Mechanical Engineering. The laboratory was established under NSF grant ECS 9702860 (PECASE Award), it is part of the Center for Power Electronics Systems (CPES) under grant ECS 9731677, is being expanded by MRI grant ECS 0116314 and will also be supported by ECS 0134021 (CAREER Award) and ECS 0224743 (NSF/ONR EPNES Grant). There are three areas that comprise E2PSyL: energy systems component testing and prototyping; energy systems component modeling and simulation; power quality and energy conversion.

Research and education in power engineering at UPRM are supported by the Center for Power Electronics (CPES). This is an NSF Research Center that focuses on power electronics research, industrial collaboration, education and technology transfer. CPES is led by Virginia Tech and has four core partner universities: NCA&T, RPI, UPRM and the University of Wisconsin-Madison.