University of Puerto Rico - Mayagüez Campus
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

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INEL 4206 - Microprocessors (Fall 2002)

Architecture, organization and operation of microprocessors and their supporting devices; design of microprocessor-based systems.


Prontuario del Curso (PDF)


Bosquejo del Curso (PDF)

bulletLecture 1 - Introduction, Course Info (PowerPoint, PDF)
bulletLecture 2 - The Nature of Information (PowerPoint, PDF)
bulletLecture 3 - The Nature of Computing (PowerPoint, PDF)
bulletLecture 4 - Practical Universal Computers (PowerPoint, PDF)


Examen Parcial 1: 26 de septiembre 6-8PM en S-113 (Temas, Práctica, Examen Anterior, Solución, Estadísticas,Histograma)


bulletLecture 5 - Programming Universal Computers: Instruction Sets (PowerPoint, PDF)

Examen Parcial 2: 24 de octubre 6-8PM en S-113 (Practica, Solución, Estadísticas,Histograma,Curva)

bulletLecture 6 - Programming Universal Computers: Data Structures
bulletLecture 7 - The Intel Pentium Instruction Set Architecture (Powerpoint, PDF)

Examen Parcial 3: 3 de diciembre 6-8PM (Temas, Práctica, Solución, Estadísticas,Histograma)

bulletLecture 8 - Input/Output and Operating System (OS) Structures (PowerPoint, PDF)
bulletLecture 9 - Memory Structures: Memory Organization, Caches, Virtual Memory

Examen Final - 9 de diciembre de 2002 12M en CH-233

bulletClass Examples (MIPS Source Files)
bulletProblemario 1. Digital Logic Design (Word, PDF) Vence 5 de septiembre (Solucion P1,P2,P3,Kmaps)
bulletProblemario 2. Sorting in Easy I Assembly Language (TarFile, Word, PDF, Solución)
bulletProblemario 3. Quick Sort (TarFile, Word, PDF, Solución(a), Solución(b))
bulletProblemario 4. Easy I Simulator (Template, Word, PDF, Solución)

Para enviar un mensaje a alguna de las listas simplemente selecciona el enlace correspondiente.

bulletinel4206-TAs (TAs)
bulletinel4206-profs (profesor(es))
bulletinel4206-students (todos los estudiantes de INEL 4206)
bulletinel4206-forum (staff y estudiantes)
bulletEmacs for Windows (download)
bullet.emacs File (download)
bulletSPIM Simulator (home site, windows version)
bulletX Server for Windows (download)
bulletEasy I Quick Reference Sheet (PDF)
bullet"The Nature of Computing". Bienvenido Velez. COMPEL 2002 Plenary Talk. (PDF)
bullet"An Overview of Information Theory" Bell Labs. (PDF)
bullet"Assemblers, Linkers and the SPIM Simulator". This is Appendix A of Hennessy & Patterson, Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware/Software Interface. Coutersy of Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.

RFC 1855: Netiquette Guidelines. ABSTRACT: This document provides a minimum set of guidelines for Network Etiquette (Netiquette) which organizations may take and adapt for their own use. As such, it is deliberately written in a bulleted format to make adaptation easier and to make any particular item easy (or easier) to find. It also functions as a minimum set of guidelines for individuals, both users and administrators. This memo is the product of the Responsible Use of the Network (RUN) Working Group of the IETF.


SPIM/MIPS Instruction Set Sheet (PlainText)


Web site del libro de Patterson y Hennessy "Computer Organization: The Hardware Software Interface".


Web site de curso relacionado en U of Texas: EE 2310: Programming in Spim and C. Este website tiene ejemplos de programas en SPIM y otra información útil.


Website del curso 6.004 Computation Structures del Massachusetts Institute of Technology.


Website del libro "Computer Organization: The Hardware Software Interface". Por Patterson & Hennessy.

Si descubres algún enlace útil para la clase  avísame para colocarlo aquí.


Evaluacion del curso por los estudiantes durante el examen parcial I (PDF)