Announcement and Call for Papers and Proposals for Tutorials

June 2-5, 2002

University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus


The Eight IEEE Power Electronics Society Workshop on Computers in Power Electronics (COMPEL 2002) will focus on computational science and engineering applications to the design, analysis, simulation, control, and operation of power electronic circuits and systems. An additional interest of COMPEL 2002 is the use of information technology to enhance and deliver power electronics courses and curricula.  Computation is now regarded as an equal and indispensable partner, along with theory and experiment, in the development of future generation of power electronic systems where cost and reliability constraints will impose higher demands on the capability of power electronic systems simulation, design and development tools to accurately predict system behavior before implementation. The goal of this workshop is to provide a lively venue for the discussion of these issues.

Areas of Interest: A list of relevant topics includes, but is not limited to, the following:

  • Simulation tools

  • Computer control

  • Numerical methods

  • Device, Circuit, and System Modeling

  • Multi-disciplinary modeling of power electronic systems

  • Virtual prototyping

  • Reliability modeling and prediction

  • Cost modeling

  • Physics of failure modeling

  • Integration of software platforms

  • Standards for data exchange across software platforms

  • Multimedia delivery of power electronic courses

  • Use of web to deliver or to assist in power electronic courses



Workshop Format:

Sunday, June 2, half day tutorials; 

Monday-Wednesday, June 3-5, workshop technical sessions.


Social Event:

Welcome reception on Sunday night. Social dinner on Tuesday.


Spouses’ Program:

Tour of the Camuy Caves or the Parguera Phosphorescent Bay. Check website for final details.


Conference e-mail and Internet addresses


Submission of abstracts and digests:

February 4, 2002 (Extended Deadline)

Notification of Acceptance:

March 15, 2002

Final camera ready manuscript due:

June 3, 2002


Preparation of Abstracts and Digest:

Prospective authors of papers and tutorial proponents are asked to submit a 50-word Abstract and a three to four page Digest (including figures, tables and references) of their planned presentation. Both Abstract and Digest should be double-spaced on 8 ˝” x 11” or A4 size paper.  All authors should obtain company and governmental clearance prior to submission of abstract and digest.  The Abstract heading must include the title of the presentation, names and affiliations of all author(s) and the Corresponding Author's mailing address, telephone and fax number, and e-mail address. If there are multiple authors the corresponding author must be clearly identified. The heading of the Digest should include only the title with no mention of the authors or their affiliations. Electronic submission of the Abstract, Digest, and final manuscript is highly encouraged, but only on PDF or PS format. Both Abstract and Digest should be submitted to:  


Miguel Vélez-Reyes

Chair, COMPEL 2002

UPRM Electrical and Computer Eng. Dept.

P.O. Box 9042

Mayaguez, PR 00681-9042, U.S.A.

Tel +1-787-832-4040 Ext. 2888

FAX +1-787-831-3244


General Chair

Electrical and Computer Eng. Dept.

UPR Mayaguez Campus

P.O. Box 9042

Mayaguez, PR 00681-9042

TEL: +1-787-832-4040, Ext. 2888

FAX: +1-787-831-3244

Conference Coordinator

Center for Power Electronic Systems

UPR Mayaguez Campus

P.O. Box 9001

Mayaguez, PR 00681-9001

TEL: +1-787-832-2825

FAX: +1-787-832-2485

Technical Committee


M. Jimenez UPR Mayaguez

A. Diaz Inter-American University of PR

S. Leeb MIT

A. Stankovic Northeastern University

E. O'Neill UPR Mayaguez 

M. Vélez-Reyes UPR Mayaguez




Sponsored by

IEEE Power Electronics Society

IEEE Western PR Section