8th IEEE Workshop on COMputers in Power ELectronics

June 2-4, 2002

University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus


The Eight IEEE Power Electronics Society Workshop on Computers in Power Electronics (COMPEL 2002) will focus on computational science and engineering applications to the design, analysis, simulation, control, and operation of power electronic circuits and systems. An additional interest of COMPEL 2002 is the use of information technology to enhance and deliver power electronics courses and curricula.   Computation is now regarded as an equal and indispensable partner, along with theory and experiment, in the development of future generation of power electronic systems where cost and reliability constraints will impose higher demands on the capability of power electronic systems simulation, design and development tools to accurately predict system behavior before implementation. The goal of this workshop is to provide a lively venue for the discussion of these issues.

The Workshop will be held at the Eugene Francis Hall in the Physics, Geology and Marine Science Building (Building 21 in the campus map ) at the University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez Campus.

General Chair

Electrical and Computer Eng. Dept.

UPR Mayaguez Campus

P.O. Box 9042

Mayaguez, PR 00681-9042

TEL: +1-787-832-4040, Ext. 2888

FAX: +1-787-831-3244

Administrative Assistant

Center for Power Electronic Systems

UPR Mayaguez Campus

P.O. Box 9001

Mayaguez, PR 00681-9001

TEL: +1-787-832-2825

FAX: +1-787-832-2485



Sponsored by

IEEE Power Electronics Society

IEEE Western PR Section