mailing lists - Admin Links


Below is the collection of publicly-advertised Mailman mailing lists on Click on a list name to visit the configuration pages for that list.To visit the administrators configuration page for an unadvertised list, open a URL similar to this one, but with a '/' and the list name appended. If you have the proper authority, you can also create a new mailing list.

General list information can be found at the mailing list overview page.

(Send questions and comments to

List Description
Acadcom [no description available]
AEGIEC Asociacion de Estudiantes Graduados de Ingenieria Electrica y de Computadoras
Alcance_comunitario [no description available]
Announcements Opportunity announcements: Internships, jobs, etc.
Argresearch_ngs Estudiantes trabajando investigacion con Nayda Santiago
Capstonefall2016 Capstone Fall 2016
Capstonefall2017 Capstone Fall 2017
Capstonespr2016 [no description available]
Capstonespring2017 [no description available]
Ccde [no description available]
Cecordadm Cecord Administration list
cga Computer Graphics and Applications
Cgedu [no description available]
Ciic6005 Theory of Computation
Climate [no description available]
Comail [no description available]
Commsig [no description available]
Comsocmembers Communication Society list
Coordinador [no description available]
Cpersonal [no description available]
Cplan Comite de Planificacion de Ingenieria Electrica y Computadoras
Crc Computing Research Conference
Cticom Members of ICOM Steering Committee, ECE, UPRM
Directiva_sie [no description available]
Emag [no description available]
Epearlsmjns [no description available]
Eris [no description available]
Gk2001 Golden Key International Honor Society distribution list
Gkdirectiva Golden Key International Honor Society distribution list
Gkmembers Golden Key International Honor Society members distribution list
Gksophomores [no description available]
Gprov_cc Convergence of Culture and Science Project from NEH
Gprov_p Main Group Professors in CCS NEH project
Gradcom [no description available]
Grads ECE graduate student list
Iap-directiva Industrial Affiliates Program list
Iap-members [no description available]
Iap-profs Industrial Affiliates Program list
Iap-students Industrial Affiliates Program list
Icis-students ICIS Students
Icom4035 [no description available]
Icom4035-forum ICOM 4035 Data Structures list
Icom4035-profs ICOM 4035 Data Structures list
Icom4035-staff ICOM 4035 Data Structures list
Icom4035-students ICOM 4035 Data Structures list
Icom4035-tas ICOM 4035 Data Structures list
icom5007 ICOM 5007: Operating Systems
Icom5026-080 ICOM 5026-080 Computer Networks Fall 2005
icom5035 ICOM5035 Computer Graphics
Icom5047_spr2019 [no description available]
Icom5047_spring2021 [no description available]
Icom5047f11 [no description available]
Icom5047fall2018 Capstone Fall 2018
Icom5047fall2019 [no description available]
Icom5047fall2020 [no description available]
Icom5047spr2018 Estudiantes Capstone ICOM Spring 2018
Icom6005-forum ICOM 6005 Database System Design list
Icom6005-profs ICOM 6005 Database System Design list
Icom6005-students ICOM 6005 Database System Design Students List
IEEE_CS IEEE Computer Society UPRM Mailing List
INEL3105 INEL 3105: Electrical Systems Analysis I by Dr. José L. Cruz-Rivera
Inel3105s06 [no description available]
Inel4102-jr Circuit Analysis II
Inel4151-jr Electromagnetics I
INEL4205 INEL 4205: Logic Circuits by Dr. José L. Cruz-Rivera
Inel4205-141 INEL 4205 Logic Circuits Distribution List
Inel4205s06 [no description available]
Inel4207-021 INEL 4207-021 Fall 2005
Inel4505r [no description available]
Inel5029-jr Communications Electronics
Inel5195beauchamp [no description available]
Inel5195fall2015 [no description available]
Inel5208 Principles of Biomedical Instrumentation
Inel5355 [no description available]
Inel5506 Process Control and Instrumentation Engineering
Inel5516r [no description available]
Inel5995 [no description available]
Inso-ciic [no description available]
Instructores [no description available]
Irise.excom [no description available]
Irise.faculty [no description available]
Irise.staff [no description available]
Irisuprm IRIS Interest group at UPRM
Itece [no description available]
Larsip.professors [no description available]
Larsip.students [no description available]
Lmresearch Research Group at ECE working with Lockheed Martin
Mailtest [no description available]
MiCASA Weather Radars: Collaborative Adaptive Sensing of the Atmosphere
MiCasaProfs UPRM CASA Faculty
model.factory purchase orders to EBI
Mps430_book [no description available]
Multimedia Multimedia distribution list
Oficina-hola [no description available]
Pdc_group [no description available]
Pdcgroup Parallel and Distributed Computing Group
People [no description available]
Phd [no description available]
Pltl_leaders [no description available]
Precisegroup Precise distribution list
Progroup [no description available]
PRYSIG [no description available]
Ps2_spr2019 [no description available]
Ps3_fall2019 [no description available]
Rasp [no description available]
Robocuppers [no description available]
Secretarias ECE Secretaries staff distribution list
Seminario_investigacions19 [no description available]
sgrd Serious Games Research and Development Group
sgrd-managers Serious Games Research and Development Managers Group
Siemembers [no description available]
Staff [no description available]
Support [no description available]
SWEmembers Society of Women Engineers distribution list
Systid [no description available]
TauBetaPi Tau Beta Pi PR Alpha
Undseminar_part2 [no description available]
Ur_spr2019 [no description available]
WeatherTeam Weather Radar and Other Instruments Research Team
Wie WIE List

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