Mailing Lists


Below is a listing of all the public mailing lists on Click on a list name to get more information about the list, or to subscribe, unsubscribe, and change the preferences on your subscription. To visit the general information page for an unadvertised list, open a URL similar to this one, but with a '/' and the list name appended.

List administrators, you can visit the list admin overview page to find the management interface for your list.

If you are having trouble using the lists, please contact

List Description
Acadcom [no description available]
AEGIEC Asociacion de Estudiantes Graduados de Ingenieria Electrica y de Computadoras
Alcance_comunitario [no description available]
Announcements Opportunity announcements: Internships, jobs, etc.
Argresearch_ngs Estudiantes trabajando investigacion con Nayda Santiago
Capstonefall2016 Capstone Fall 2016
Capstonefall2017 Capstone Fall 2017
Capstonespr2016 [no description available]
Capstonespring2017 [no description available]
Ccde [no description available]
Cecordadm Cecord Administration list
cga Computer Graphics and Applications
Cgedu [no description available]
Ciic6005 Theory of Computation
Climate [no description available]
Comail [no description available]
Commsig [no description available]
Comsocmembers Communication Society list
Coordinador [no description available]
Cpersonal [no description available]
Cplan Comite de Planificacion de Ingenieria Electrica y Computadoras
Crc Computing Research Conference
Cticom Members of ICOM Steering Committee, ECE, UPRM
Directiva_sie [no description available]
Emag [no description available]
Epearlsmjns [no description available]
Eris [no description available]
Gk2001 Golden Key International Honor Society distribution list
Gkdirectiva Golden Key International Honor Society distribution list
Gkmembers Golden Key International Honor Society members distribution list
Gksophomores [no description available]
Gprov_cc Convergence of Culture and Science Project from NEH
Gprov_p Main Group Professors in CCS NEH project
Gradcom [no description available]
Grads ECE graduate student list
Iap-directiva Industrial Affiliates Program list
Iap-members [no description available]
Iap-profs Industrial Affiliates Program list
Iap-students Industrial Affiliates Program list
Icis-students ICIS Students
Icom4035 [no description available]
Icom4035-forum ICOM 4035 Data Structures list
Icom4035-profs ICOM 4035 Data Structures list
Icom4035-staff ICOM 4035 Data Structures list
Icom4035-students ICOM 4035 Data Structures list
Icom4035-tas ICOM 4035 Data Structures list
icom5007 ICOM 5007: Operating Systems
Icom5026-080 ICOM 5026-080 Computer Networks Fall 2005
icom5035 ICOM5035 Computer Graphics
Icom5047_spr2019 [no description available]
Icom5047_spring2021 [no description available]
Icom5047f11 [no description available]
Icom5047fall2018 Capstone Fall 2018
Icom5047fall2019 [no description available]
Icom5047fall2020 [no description available]
Icom5047spr2018 Estudiantes Capstone ICOM Spring 2018
Icom6005-forum ICOM 6005 Database System Design list
Icom6005-profs ICOM 6005 Database System Design list
Icom6005-students ICOM 6005 Database System Design Students List
IEEE_CS IEEE Computer Society UPRM Mailing List
INEL3105 INEL 3105: Electrical Systems Analysis I by Dr. José L. Cruz-Rivera
Inel3105s06 [no description available]
Inel4102-jr Circuit Analysis II
Inel4151-jr Electromagnetics I
INEL4205 INEL 4205: Logic Circuits by Dr. José L. Cruz-Rivera
Inel4205-141 INEL 4205 Logic Circuits Distribution List
Inel4205s06 [no description available]
Inel4207-021 INEL 4207-021 Fall 2005
Inel4505r [no description available]
Inel5029-jr Communications Electronics
Inel5195beauchamp [no description available]
Inel5195fall2015 [no description available]
Inel5208 Principles of Biomedical Instrumentation
Inel5355 [no description available]
Inel5506 Process Control and Instrumentation Engineering
Inel5516r [no description available]
Inel5995 [no description available]
Inso-ciic [no description available]
Instructores [no description available]
Irise.excom [no description available]
Irise.faculty [no description available]
Irise.staff [no description available]
Irisuprm IRIS Interest group at UPRM
Itece [no description available]
Larsip.professors [no description available]
Larsip.students [no description available]
Lmresearch Research Group at ECE working with Lockheed Martin
Mailtest [no description available]
MiCASA Weather Radars: Collaborative Adaptive Sensing of the Atmosphere
MiCasaProfs UPRM CASA Faculty
model.factory purchase orders to EBI
Mps430_book [no description available]
Multimedia Multimedia distribution list
Oficina-hola [no description available]
Pdc_group [no description available]
Pdcgroup Parallel and Distributed Computing Group
People [no description available]
Phd [no description available]
Pltl_leaders [no description available]
Precisegroup Precise distribution list
Progroup [no description available]
PRYSIG [no description available]
Ps2_spr2019 [no description available]
Ps3_fall2019 [no description available]
Rasp [no description available]
Robocuppers [no description available]
Secretarias ECE Secretaries staff distribution list
Seminario_investigacions19 [no description available]
sgrd Serious Games Research and Development Group
sgrd-managers Serious Games Research and Development Managers Group
Siemembers [no description available]
Staff [no description available]
Support [no description available]
SWEmembers Society of Women Engineers distribution list
Systid [no description available]
TauBetaPi Tau Beta Pi PR Alpha
Undseminar_part2 [no description available]
Ur_spr2019 [no description available]
WeatherTeam Weather Radar and Other Instruments Research Team
Wie WIE List

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