Los siguientes manuales han sido publicados por la Alianza
para la Educación de Ingeniería de Manufactura en un esfuerzo por demonstrar los meritos del Concepto de
La Fábrica del Aprendizaje y para alentar desarrollos similares en otras universidades.
- Russell R. Barton, "A Laboratory-Based Course in Process
Quality Engineering", Proceedings of the 1994 ASEE Annual
Meeting, June 1994. pdf file
- Lueny Morell de Ramírez, Gerson Beauchamp, "Integration
of Skills Development Across the Engineering Curriculum",
Proceedings of ASEE Annual Meeting, Anaheim, CA, June 1995 pdf file
- Lueny Morell de Ramírez, José L. Zayas-Castro,
Jorge I. Vélez-Arocho, "The Design of a Skill-based
Course Focused on Student Outcomes: a Partnership Template"
Proceedings ofASEE Annual Meeting, Anaheim, CA, June 1995 pdf file
- John S. Lamancusa, Jens E. Jorgensen, and Jose L. Zayas -
Castro, "The Learning Factory -- A New approach to integrating
design and manufacturing into engineering curricula". Proceedings
of the 1995 ASEE Annual Meeting, Anaheim, CA, June 1995. pdf file
- Jens E. Jorgensen, John S. Lamancusa, and Jose L. Zayas-Castro,
"The Learning Factory - Curriculum Integration of Design
and Manufacturing", Proceedings of the World Conference on
Engineering Education, October 1995, Minneapolis-St.. Paul., pp
258-262. pdf file
- DeMeter, Edward C., Jens E. Jorgensen and Augustine Rullan,
"The Learning Factory of the Manufacturing Educuational Program",Proc.
Manufacturing Education for the 21st Century, Vol. III, pp 377
- 380, Society of Manufacturing Engineers, March 1997.pdf file
- John S. Lamancusa, Jens Jorgensen, Vipin Kumar, and Miguel
Torres, "Learning Engineering by Product Dissection",
Proceedings of the 1996 ASEE Annual Meeting, Washington DC, June
1996. pdf file
- Lueny Morell de Ramírez, José A. Colucci, Leo
F. Carter, Federico Padrón, Guillermo Colón, L.
Antonio Estévez , "n Interdisciplinary Undergraduate
Manufacturing Engineering Option for Chemical Engineering",
Proceedings of the 1996 ASEE Annual Meeting, Washington DC, June
1996. pdf file
- Robert P. Smith, Russell Barton, Craig Nowack, Jose L. Zayas-Castro,
"Concurrent Engineering: A Partnership Approach", Proceedings
of the 1996 ASEE Annual Meeting, Washington DC, June 1996. pdf file
- John S. Lamancusa, Jens E. Jorgensen, and Jose L. Zayas-Castro.
"Putting design and manufacturing back into the engineering
curriculum", Proceedings of 1996 ABET Conference, San Diego,
CA, November 1996 pdf file)
- Jens E. Jorgensen, James Fridley, and John S. Lamancusa, "Product
Dissection - A Tool for Benchmarking in the Process of Teaching
Design", Proceedings of 1996 Frontiers in Education Conference,
Salt Lake city, UT, November, 1996 pdf file and Appendix
pdf file
- Lueny Morell de Ramirez, Jose Zayas-Castro, John S. Lamancusa, Jens Jorgensen,
"A Summative Assessment Strategy for a Multi-institutional,
Multi-Task Project: the Case of the Manufacturing Engineering
Education Partnership", Proceedings of 1996 Frontiers in Education
Conference, Salt Lake City, UT, November, 1996 pdf file
- John S. Lamancusa, Jens E. Jorgensen, and Jose L. Zayas -
Castro, "The Learning Factory -- A New approach to integrating
design and manufacturing into engineering Curricula", ASEE,
Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 86, No. 2, pp. 103-112,
April 1997. pdf file
- Michelle Griffith, John S. Lamancusa, Renata Engel, Jens Jorgensen,
and Jorge Velez-Arocho, "The Success of Multimedia Courseware
in the Manufacturing Engineering Education Partnership (MEEP)
Program", Proceedings of the NSF TRP/MET Annual Conference,
Washington DC, April, 1997. pdf file
- A. L. Soyster, "Experiences in Organizing and Managing
Engineering Education Coalitions", Proceedings of
the NSF TRP/MET Annual Conference, Washington DC, April 1997.
pdf file
- Lueny Morell de Ramírez, José L. Zayas, John Lamancusa, Jens Jorgensen,
"Making a Partnership Work:
Outcomes Assessment of a Multi-Task, Multi-Institutional Project", Proceedings of the NSF TRP/MET Annual Conference,
Washington DC, April, 1997. pdf file
- Lueny Morell de Ramirez, Jose Zayas-Castro, John Lamancusa,
and J. E. Jorgensen, "Outcomes Assessment of a Multi-Institutional,
Multi-Task NSF Partnership Project: Tools, Process, and Results",
Proceedings of the 37th Annual Forum of the Association for Institutional
Research, Orlando, FL. May, 1997. pdf file
- John S. Lamancusa, Robert T. George, A. L. Soyster, "Industry-Based
Projects in Academia - What Works and What Doesn't", Proceedings
of 1997 ASEE Conference, Milwaukee, WI, June 1997.
pdf file
- Lueny Morell de Ramírez, José L. Zayas, John
Lamancusa, Jens Jorgensen, "Making a Partnership Work: Outcomes
Assessment of a Multi-Task, Multi-Institutional Project",
Proceedings of the 1997 ASEE Annual Meeting, Milwaukee, WI, June
1997 pdf file
- Jens Jorgensen, Paul Cohen, John Lamancusa, and Jose Zayas-Castro
" An Educational Program in Products and Processes Realization",
Proceedings of the Frontiers in Education Conference,
Pittsburgh, PA, November 1997. pdf file
- James Fridley, Jens Jorgensen, and John Lamancusa "Benchmarking:
A Process for Teaching Design", Proceedings
of the Frontiers in Education Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, November
1997. pdf file
- Lueny Morell de Ramírez, José L. Zayas , John
Lamancusa, Jens Jorgensen, "Outcomes Assessment Results of
a Multi-Institutional Curriculum Development Project", Proceedings of the Frontiers in Education Conference,
Pittsburgh, PA, November 1997. pdf file
- Lueny Morell de Ramirez, Jose Zayas-Castro, John Lamancusa,
and J. E. Jorgensen, "Making a Partnership Work; Outcome
Assessment of a Multi-task, Multi-Institutional Project",
Proceedings of 1997 ICEE International Conference on Engineering Education,
August 14-15, Chicago, Ill.
- Russell R. Barton and Craig A. Nowack, "A Laboratory-Based
Statistics Course for Engineering Students", accepted for
publication in The American Statistician, 1997.
- Jorge Ivan Velez-Arocho, Miguel Torres-Febus, and Jaime Pabon,
"A New Paradigm in Engineering Education: Technology Based
Entrepreneurship", submitted to the Annual Meeting of the
Panamerican Congress of Mechanical Engineers and Related Fields
in Santiago, Chile, September, 1997. Presented at the Congress
of Engineering and Related Fields, April, 18, 1997, San Juan,
Puerto Rico.
- Jorge Ivan Velez-Arocho, Miguel Torres-Febus, and Jaime Pabon,
"Creativity and Innovation to Acquire, Keep and Improve the
Competitive Advantage in a Global Market", XI Entrepreneurship Latin American Congress, Cali, Colombia,
September 17-19, 1997.
- Robert P. Smith, "Teaching Design for Assembly using Product
Disassembly," IEEE Transactions on Education, Vol. 41, No.1, pp. 50-53,
- Michelle Griffith, John Lamancusa, Jens Jorgensen, and Jose Zayas, "The Manufacturing Engineering Education Partnership: A Successful
Multi-task Project for Curriculum Development", Proceedings of ICTE 1998, Sante Fe, New Mexico, March 8-11, 1998.
- Lueny Morell, Jose Zayas-Castro and Jorge Velz-Arocho, "Some Assessment Tools for Evaluating
Curricular Innovations Outcomes",
Proceedings of 1998 ASEE Conference, Seattle WA, June 1998.pdf file
- Lueny Morell, John Lamancusa, Jose Zayas-Castro, Jens Jorgensen, "Making a Partnership work: Outcomes Assessment of the Manufacturing Engineering
Education Partnership", Journal of Engineering Education, 1998.pdf file
- Lueny Morell, Jose Zayas-Castro, Jorge Velz-Arocho and Miguel Torres, "Curricular
Innovations Outcomes Assessment and ABET 2000",
International Conference on Engineering Education, Rio de Janiero, Brazil, August 1998
pdf file
- Lueny Morell, Jose Zayas-Castro and Jorge Velz-Arocho, "Curricular Innovations Outcomes Assessment", Symposium on Best Assessment Procedures in Engineering Education II, Rose-Hulman Institute,
October 1998. pdf file
- Lueny Morell, Jose Zayas-Castro, Jorge Velz-Arocho and Miguel Torres, "Developing and Assessing Teamwork
Skills in a Multi-Disciplinary Course", Frontiers in Education Conference Proceedings, Tempe Arizona, November 1998. pdf file
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