Course Groups:

Xyber X

From left to right: Radamés Jiménez, Xavier Acosta and Xavier Fumero      Members:

  • Xavier Fumero (PM)
  • Radamés Jiménez
  • Xavier Acosta

Project: Uniform ProBono Case Distribution Software

XybeR-X has the mission of designing an automated web application software capable of performing uniform distributions and allocations of pro bono cases in courts. Our main objective is to provide a cost-effective solution to the Judicial Court by helping them keep an organized database of the case allocations in a faster and safer way. We have the commitment of improving the current system by offering the lawyers a way to balance their work load and offer their clients a legal representation according to their needs.


From left to right: Jonataniel Arroyo, Maria Ortiz, Edward Cuevas      Members:

  • Edward Cuevas (PM)
  • Maria Ortiz
  • Jonataniel Arroyo

Project: Energy Monitoring and Management System

A system to monitor and manage the energy through different parts of the boricua sun solar boat.

Surfing Shark

From left to right: Sully Rodríguez, Radamés Marrero, Maribel Torres and Julio Díaz      Members:

  • Sully Rodríguez (PM)
  • Radamés Marrero
  • Maribel Torres
  • Julio Díaz

Project: Multi-sensor Buoy for Underwater Data Collection

Surfing Shark is a system capable of record underwater data. It will detect large marine species using sonar technology and a camera. The system is divided in two main components: hardware and software. The hardware describes the physical aspects of the system. In contrast the software describes the programs, data manipulation, and interaction among the components.

ARC Innovations Group

From left to right: Cristina Padró, Alexis Figueroa and Rosedanny Ortiz      Members:

  • Rosedanny Ortiz(PM)
  • Alexis Figueroa
  • Cristina Padró

Project: ARC AutoPaxCounter

ARC AutoPaxCounter is an automatic passenger counter system located inside a UPRM trolley vehicle. The system use RFID to identify the passenger inside the trolley without tying any personal information about the passenger with the assigned ID. Using these IDís, the system records the pickup and drop-off locations, pickup and drop-off times and distance traveled for each passenger. This information is loaded into a database, from where a web-based application will calculate different statistics useful to measure the trolley passenger load during its operation. Thus, this system uses the UPRM trolley service as testing grounds to test our system and to help TransInfo research group to measure the UPRM trolley serviceís efficiency.

Unity Works

From left to right: Irving Ramírez, Kidany Berríos, Luis Rivera and Angel De La Torre      Members:

  • Luis Rivera (PM)
  • Kidany Berríos
  • Angel De La Torre
  • Irving Ramírez

Project: USYMS

The University of Puerto Rico Mayagüez Campus manages the workflow of creating and modifying a syllabus manually by using a text editor. Since there are many individuals involved in the process of reviewing such documents, the lack of a centralized system is a problem for the consistency of different versions and formats. Unity Works has proposed to design USYMS (University SYllabus Management System), a web-based syllabus management system to control and maintain the ECE Department syllabi up to date, in addition to provide support to the workflow of creating and modifying a syllabus.


From left to right: Christian Montes, Christian Vazquez, Joel Corporan and Luis Escobar     Members:

  • Christian Vazquez(PM)
  • Joel Corporan
  • Luis Escobar
  • Christian Montes

Project: KYA

Project KYA (Know Your Area) will make available a reactive mechanism to notify tourists when they move into locations of increased risk. To do so, a three-tier application will be delivered with the following primary components: a remote cloud service, reliable storage, and an Android smartwatch app. By the end of the project, we will provide a meaningful metric to classify zones of risk generated through the clustering of historical crime data. Its purpose is not to predict crime but to define crime differentials between areas. In addition, we will provide MIT Media Lab with mechanisms to collect telemetry data of user response to risk notifications.

LED Team

From left to right: Edgar Colón, Laritza Rivera and David Monserrate      Members:

  • Laritza Rivera (PM)
  • Edgar Colón
  • David Monserrate

Project: RUM Automated Irrigation System

RUM Automated Irrigation System (AIS) project focuses on the design and implementation of a control system capable controlling the irrigation process and the water management system of Alzamora Farm, located at the University of Puerto Rico in Mayagüez. With the implementation of this system, it is expected to bring savings in water consumption to the farm and a better use of personnel time.