“Tell me and I forget. Show me and I remember. Involve me and I understand." --Chinese Proverb




·        "Effect of the Sea/Air Atmospheric Stability on the Satellite Radiometric Parameter Retrieval"

Data from radiometer, altimeter, buoys and radiosondes were read and analyzed. Studied the effect of the sea state on the path delay retrieval and developed an algorithm that takes into account the sea state condition. During the research, Microwave Remote Sensing, electromagnetic, meteorology, oceanography, atmosphere science, programming and data analyzing skills were developed.

·        "Active Rain Gauge Concept for Moderate to Heavy Precipitation Using W-band and S-Band Doppler Radars"

Developed IDL codes to align, process, and analyze the collected data to retrieve several cloud characterization parameters, such as drop size distribution and vertical air motion from collected data during November 2001 at the Cloud and Radiation Testbed (CART) site in Lamont, Oklahoma, using 2.8GHZ and 95GHz Doppler radars, in a heavy rain precipitation

·        “Estimation and Correction of Wet Ice Attenuation at X-band during a convective storms Using the X-band CASA radar network IP1 and WSR-88D Radars”

A preliminary technique is developed to separately estimate the X-band specific attenuation due to rain and wet ice along the path of the dual-polarized CASA radars and the mono-polarized NEXRAD WSR-88D radar. Has been tested on simulated data and measured data from the International H20 Project (IHOP) experiment from a case on June 16, 2002  and is currently being tested on a CASA convective case detected along with WSR-88D KOUN  and KTLX data.


Radar Meteorology, Attenuation Correction,

Applied Electromagnetic,

Microwave Remote Sensing,

Microwave Technology,

Radar Systems, Atmospheric Sciences,

Precipitation Microphysics



CASA/TropiNet Funding:

    Attenuation correction for CASA OTG Radars,

    Effect of Polarization in Attenuation at X-band,

    Hail events in SW Puerto Rico,

    Rainfall estimation using Dual polarized X-band radar.


    Installation of Two OTG Radars in UPRA and UPRB in Collaboration with these institutions

IAP Funding:

    “Variations in Drop Size Distribution (DSD) During Wet and Dry Seasons in Puerto Rico”.

Digital Receiver Subsystem for an off-the-grid X-band Weather Radar Doppler Upgrade”.

“Automation of the Off-The-Grid X-band Weather Radars”.



CASA REU/RET Summer 2012