
Hello, I am Juan J. Nieves
Computer Engineer Student
University of Puerto Rico - Mayagüez Campus


  • Period: August 2013 - Present
  • Position: IT Officer
  • Company: Cutting Edge Superconductors, Inc.
  • References: Yong-Jihn Kim - President and CEO
  • Job Description:
    • This company was awarded a $150,000 from the National Science Foundation.
    • Manage responsibilities were to update web pages.
    • Constant updating and maintenance of the social networks presence of the company.
    • Develop email accounts for 100% of company resources.

  • Period: June 2013 - August 2013
  • Position: Webmaster
  • Company: Cutting Edge Superconductors, Inc.
  • References: Yong-Jihn Kim - President and CEO
  • Job Description:
    • Lead remodeling initiative to streamline company webpage to better service customer needs.
    • Created and maintained customer facing social network presence for the company.
    • Provided overall IT support for company resources.

  • Period: August 2012 - May 2013
  • Position: Robotics Laboratory Assistant
  • Company: Industrial Engineer Department at University of Puerto Rico - Mayagüez Campus
  • References: Lourdes Medina
  • Job Description:
    • Educated and mentored student development, for their design and construction of robotic models.
    • Managed laboratory equipment and devices.

Extracurricular Activities -

Professional Activities Coordinator - Coordinates the activities of nature or professional and technical approach (technically is what focuses on engineering, professional is complementary to training which will help create a better professional engineering). Main link, then the Vice President of Activities for the Engineering Futures. Group's mentor candidates in charge of technical activity.

Troop 822 Adult Leader - Help the kids have a great safe experience. Responsible for organizing the activities of the group, and training the youth members through the Scout program. Other roles include liaison with parents, districts, or other parties such as the unit's sponsoring organization.