Since the first law approved by real decrete in
March 14, 1890, the development of the electric industry utility
in Puerto Rico has been growing according to the increasing demand
of electric service in the nation. We have five energetic central,
one combined cycle, 26 gas turbines and 21 hydroelectric units,
that supplies with 4,397MW to the affiliates. The gross energetic
need is served using transmission lines of 230kV, 115kV, and 38kV
sub-transmission lines. The fuel used is residual fuel number 6
(bunker #6), except for the gas turbines that use light distillate
number 2.
Ninety-eight percent of the energy is produced
based on petroleum's derivatives. Petroleum is a life limited resource,
so we keep looking for alternatives ways of producing energy since
1915 that was the first attempt with Carite #1 Hydroelectric plant.
We include in the history part, information about hydroelectric,
gas, combined cycle, carbon, and nuclear plants; costs, investments
capital and places where had been located. It is also presented
a link to a timeline that summarizes important events in the history
of the development of the electric industry since the discovery
of regular oil used to make candle lights.