The Manufacturing Engineering Education Partnership (MEEP) is a unique collaboration of three major universities
(Penn State, University of Puerto Rico-Mayagüez, University of
Washington), a premier high-technology government laboratory (Sandia National Laboratories), 100 corporate partners, and the federal government
. The partnership draws on the special strengths of each member and provides a unique
opportunity to share physical and intellectual resources while exploring diverse educational approaches.
MEEP has developed and implemented a new curriculum in design and manufacturing with integrated laboratory facilities in strong collaboration with industry. We call this effort the
Learning Factory Program, an outcomes-driven program that has been successfully institutionalized at
the participating universities. The course development was also planned to provide students with a continuous exposure to design and manufacturing from the freshman through the senior year.
Critical emphasis was given to the development of "soft skills" such as problem solving, communication and teamwork.
A list of curriculum themes (knowledge and skills) was developed in collaboration with industry which helped developed
the courses.
The Manufacturing Engineering Education Partnership has published a number of papers covering many areas of the development
and implementation of the Learning Factory, as well as outcomes assesment.
The Learning factory program and its oucomes assesment strategy focuses on the new
ABET Criteria 2000, specifically Criteria 2 and 3.
For more information about the Learning Factory Program visit:
Penn State Learning Factory
Washington State Learning Factory
University of Puerto Rico Learning Factory