My family - From left to right Carolina, myself, Ana María and my wife Rocío |

My loving daughters; two of a kind... |

Rocío and Ana María: Up close |

Carolina and I, Looking ahead. |

My mother (center) and my brothers and sister... I missed that reunion :-( |

I'm proud of my daughters, both High Honor students in 6th grade! |

Ana María, best in Math and English |

Carolina, best student in Math |

It's a great family ... and would've been a good picture, except for my tie. |

And they play Volleyball in the Mayagüez Pequeñas Indias league |

Rocío and I in "mi Viejo San Juan" |

My good old friends in the UK: Mario, Clemencia, their dog Brusca and me. |

Robin Hood and I in Nottingham, UK. Of course, the good looking one is me. |

Ana María goes to her first prom. Carolina was her hair and make-up artist. Don't they look gorgeous? |

Perla, our newest family member in March 2006. Oh, she's grown a lot! But wasn't she cute? |

August 22, 2006. My 50th birthday in a restaurant in Mayaguez. I was not crying when the waiter shot the picture, I was talking and very happy! |

The most recent picture of Ana María, Carolina and I in La Guancha, Ponce, PR. Haven't we all grown up? |

My Grandmom on my Mother's side. This picture is history, probably taken around 1960. My sweet "Mamá Merceditas", the only I met, died when I was 12. |