Computer Engineering Project Design Course
Course Description
Capstone is designed to allow students teams to engage in a complete project development experience in order to solve a Computer Engineering Problem. It provides students with a significant design experience, integration of knowledge from several courses and with a means to practice project management, technical writing, and technical presentation skills. Students must go through critical review for the feasibility of the end-product demonstration and meeting the production specifications including engineering standards and the constraints. This project must integrate both software and hardware.
Photo Final Presentations

Schedule for HH3

Important Dates
- March 7: Oral Progress Report
- March 9: Written Progress Report Due
- March 13 - March 17: Happy Hour #1 (Design completed)
- April 3 - April 7: Happy Hour #2 (Individual components tested)
- June 12 - June 16: Happy Hour #3 (Integration completed)
- June 20: Final Presentations and Project Demos
- June 24: Final Report