Permanent Courses
  • INGE 3012 Engineering Graphics II

  • INGE 3016 Algorithms and Computer Programming

  • INGE 3017 Computer Aided Graphics

  • INGE 3031 Engineering Mechanics - Statics

  • INGE 3032 Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics

  • INGE 3035 Engineering Mechanics Statics & Dynamics

  • INGE 3045 Materials Science for Electrical Engineers


       Temporary courses

  • INGE 3018 Algorithms and Computer Programming II

  • INGE 3021 Computer Aided Design and Drafting for Engineers I

  • INGE 4045 Fundamentals of Vibration

  • INGE 5026 Applied Numerical Computation




  • INGE 5035 Materials Selection in Concurrent Engineering Design

  • INGE 5040 Engineering Acoustics

  • INGE 5045 Applied Hydrodynamics

  • INGE 5055 Fatigue Fracture of Solids

    For comments or questions, contact webmaster Last Update May 15/02