University of Puerto Rico - Mayagüez Campus
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

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ICOM 4015 - Advanced Programming (Fall 2012)

Advanced programming techniques applied to the solution of engineering problems; extensive use of subprograms, logical and specifications statements. Principles of multiprogramming, multiprocessing, and real-time systems.

bullet Course Information Sheet A.K.A. Prontuario (PDF)
bullet Lecture   1 - Introduction (Slides en PDF, Video/Audio: Aug14, SourceCode)
bullet Lecture   2 - Classes and Objects (Slides en PDF, Video/Audio: Aug16, Aug21, SourceCode)
bullet Lecture   3 - Implementing Classes(Slides en PDF, Video/Audio: Aug21, Aug28, Aug30, SourceCode, SourceCode)

Lecture   4 - Fundamental Data Types (Slides en PDF, Video/Audio: Sep04, SourceCode)

bullet Lecture   5 - Decisions (Slides en PDF, Video/Audio:Sep06)
bullet Lecture   6 - Iteration and Simulation (Slides en PDF, Video/Audio: Sep1, SourceCode)
bullet Lecture   7 - Arrays and Array Lists (Slides en PDF, Video/Audio:Sep13, Sep18, Sep20, Sep25, SourceCode)

Lecture   8 - Designing Classes (Slides en PDF, Video/Audio: Oct4)

bullet Lecture   9 - Interfaces and Polymorphism (Slides en PDF, Video/Audio: Oct4, Oct11, SourceCode)
bullet Lecture   10 - Inheritance (Slides en PDF, Video/Audio: Slides en PDF, Oct16)
bullet Lecture   11 - Input/Output and Exception Handling (Slides en PDF, Video/Audio:)
bullet Lecture   13 - Recursion (Slides en PDF, Video/Audio: )
bullet Guest Lecture   - Graphical User Interfaces (Slides en PDF, Video/Audio: Sec1, Sec2, Source Code: VoidSpace)
bullet Guest Lecture   - Version Control Systems (Slides en PDF)

Lecture   14 - Sorting and Searching (Slides en PDF, Video/Audio:)

bullet Guest Lecture   - Free and Open Source Software (Slides en PDF)

Exam 1: October 4, 2012, 5:00-6:15 S-113


Exam 2: November , 2012, 5:00-6:15 S-113

bullet Exam 3: November 29, 2012, 5:00-6:15 S-113
bullet Final Exam:  December 13, 2012 4:30-6:30 PM S-113
bullet Lab Set 1. Introduction to Eclipse, Editing and Executing programs in Java (PDF)
bullet Lab Set 2. Using the Debugger and Working with Strings (PDF)
bullet Lab Set 3. Introduction to Java Graphics (PDF)
bullet Lab Set 4. Random Numbers, Methods and Animation (PDF)
bullet Lab Set 5. Image Transitions using Iteration (PDF, Source)
bullet Lab Set 6. Arrays and Mouse Adapters (PDF, Source)
bullet Lab Set 7. Interfaces (PDF, Source)
bullet Lab Set 8. Exception Handling (DOC, Source)
bullet Lab Set 9. Files (DOC, Source)
bullet Lab Set 10. Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) (PDF, Source)
bullet Programming Assignment 1. Poker Memory. Due November 12 at Midnight (PDF, SourceCode)
bullet Programming Assignment 2. VoidSpace. Due December 10 (PDF, SourceCode)
bullet icom4015-profs
bullet icom4015-students  (Subscribe) (Archives)
bullet icom4015-forum (staff & students)(Archives)
bullet Eclipse IDE
bullet Eclipse Visual Editor Plugin (download, README)
bullet Exadel IDE

RFC 1855: Netiquette Guidelines. ABSTRACT: This document provides a minimum set of guidelines for Network Etiquette (Netiquette) which organizations may take and adapt for their own use. As such, it is deliberately written in a bulleted format to make adaptation easier and to make any particular item easy (or easier) to find. It also functions as a minimum set of guidelines for individuals, both users and administrators. This memo is the product of the Responsible Use of the Network (RUN) Working Group of the IETF.

bullet Evaluacion del curso por los estudiantes (PDF)

Si descubres algún enlace útil para la clase  avísame para colocarlo aquí.