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Research at UPR Mayagüez

Below, you will find a summary of the current research being developed in the UPRM. To see the group meetings schedule, click here!

About CAHSI picture

Title: App Development Group

Members: Fernando Rodriguez (PM), Cristian Ruiz (Co-PM), Eduardo Nieves, Edwin Rivera, Ivan Jackson, Jose Rodriguez, Mario Flores, Jeremy Cardona, Samuel González

Description: The project consists on development of custom software solutions for complex problems. The current problem involves developing a new platform for the administrative and front end user purposes of the Industrial Affiliates Program. We develop easy to use mobile and web applications with custom backends that best suit our needs. Our research focuses on usability aspects of software using design thinking techniques developed by IDEO ( & how the quality of the software can be improved using some of their techniques.

Supervisors: Dr. Nayda Santiago

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Title: Artificial Intelligence Group

Members: Gil Reyes (PM), Angel Melendez, Francisco Valentin, Jainel Torres, Luis Rivera, Ricardo Rodriguez, Javier Figueroa, Jeremy Cardona

Description: This research is about developing a Convolutional Neural Network that is able to recognize style among a data set of images from one artist and use image processing to apply that art style to another input image. The objective is to prepare more students on the field of Machine Learning in UPRM.

Supervisors: Dr. Nayda Santiago

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Title: Nanito Educational Minigame

Members: Sujeily Fonseca (PM), Samuel González (Co-PM), Alberto Canela, Annamary Cartagena, Brian Rodríguez, Chaliana Rolon, Jorge Bobonis, Josean Bosque, Lexdyel Mendez, Melody Seda

Description: This project consists of developing an educational videogame to help students understand different nanotechnology concepts and their applications; with the goal of motivating them to study careers in STEM. There are two different approaches being worked on, a platformer game and minigames, which are both being developed in Unity Game Engine, using C# as the scripting language.

Supervisors: Dr. Nayda Santiago, CREST

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Title: Embedded Tech Carnival

Members: Pedro Rivera (PM), Karina Martinez (Co-PM), Ashley Ortiz, Edwin Gonzalez, Jean Rivera, Orlando Saldaña, Valerie Otero, Yamil Gonzalez

Description: This project studies applications of Embedded Systems in the areas of: Internet of Things, Vehicular Autonomy, and Education. Also, the group has developed an outreach program called Tech. Carnival, with the purpose of increasing the interest of High School students into pursuing careers in Electrical and Computer Engineering.

Supervisors: Dr. Nayda Santiago and Dr. Isidoro Couvertier

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Title: Arecibo Observatory

Members: Celeste Vazquez (PM), Jessica Torres (Co-PM), Isaac Rivera, Nicolas Cobo, Joangel Aviles, Kenneth Quiñones, Michael Torres, Nicolas Torres

Description: The Arecibo Observatory research team Is focused on modifying a pre-existing drone that will be used to fly autonomously over the observatory to gather data of the electromagnetic waves being transmitted by the observatory in conjunction with a Radiation Measurer system that will be mounted on it. The data is then examined to conclude whether or not there's an anomaly in the logged radio pattern.

Supervisors: Dr. Nayda Santiago

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Title: Biomechatronics

Members: Lianne Sanchez (PM), Guy Garcia, Cesar Aceros

Description: This research is about extracting EEG signals from the brain, using Openbci, in order to determine motor movement signals. This motor movement signals needs to be classified using pattern recognition techniques to develop an application where an user can control a mechanical prosthetic limb with brain signals.

Supervisors: Dr. Nayda Santiago

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Title: Cybersecurity (PandaHat)

Members: Jose Maldonado (PM), Angel Rodriguez, Christopher Calcaño, Sofia Saavedra, Melvin Acevedo, Pamela Toribio

Description: Teaching members Cyber Security concepts, specifically Network and Device Security. Preparing team to test existing research projects, create new ones and participate in Cyber Security competitions. Capacitate members of the group to be able to make their own scripts, tools, and other appliances in order to apply Cyber Security concepts.

Supervisors: Dr. Nayda Santiago

Groups Meetings Calendar

Below, you can find the schedule of meetings of the different research groups

NSF LogoThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation Grant No. 1551221 and No. 1042341. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.