Oral Presentations
On Kronecker Products Signal Processing Algorithms and FPGA Computational Structures (Yvonne Avilés)
Evaluation of Digital Sound Spatialization Accuracy Over Commodity Audio Channels in a Personal Computer (Omar Grafals, Navarun Gupta, Gualberto Cremades, Armando Barreto and Malek Adjouadi)
Indexed Web Navigation (Ariel V. Mirles)
Wavelet Application to Structural Dynamics (Anna V. Ovanesova)
The Effects of Human-Computer Interfaces in Mental Effort, as Measured by Alpha Activity (Danmary Sánchez, Kanij Fatema, Guarbelto Cremades, Malek Adjouadi and Armando Barreto)
A Sar Algorithm Development Environment Using MATLAB® (Dilia B. Rueda)
Application of Usability Engineering Methodology in the Analysis, Design, And Implementation of a Graphical User Interface for a Flash Flood Warning System (Dianne López)
Genetically Found, Neurally Computed Artificial Features (Hiram Firpi and Javier Echauz)
Twiddle Factor Elimination in Multidimensional FFT's (Yuitza T. Humarán)
Poster Presentations
Implementation of "Towers of Hanoi" Algorithm using Cilk 5.2: Parallelizing a Recursive Algorithm (Heber Irizarry and Julio Blasini)
Wavelet Features for Color Image Classification (Michael Diaz)
Instantaneous Orbits for Binary Asteroids (Ivelisse M. Cabrera, W. Brukman and J. C. Cersosimo)
Calculation of Cycles and Order of Permutations in a CILK Environment (Néstor Méndez and Jerónimo Irizarry)
Cache Conscious Matrix Transpositions and Parallel Implementation (Javier Hernández)
Load Distribution on a Heterogeneous Cluster of Workstations (José R. Santos)
A Parallel Bit Reversal Algorithm and it's CILK Implementation (Dániza C. Morales)
Genetic Algorithms and a Variational Method for Image Denoising (Luis E. Pérez)
A Computational Environment for the Analysis of Discrete Time Discrete Frequency Time-Frequency Signals (Marlene Vargas)
Magnetic Resonance Imaging Heat Deposition In Non-uniform Ellipsoidal Objects (Rafael R Canales, Luis F. Fonseca and Fredy R. Zypman)
Approximation of a Differential Equation Using a Combination of Euler and Taylor Methods in CILK Environment (Francisco Alvarado and Angel Tirado)
Performance Evaluation Methodology for Automatic C-Code Generation of Signal Processing Algorithms (Joannie Madera)
Color Image Classification (Marcel J. Castro)
A Graphical User Interface for Registering Employees Based on Photo Images (Aixalis González)