Course Description Credits


ICOM 4009 Software Engineering 3 R ICOM 4035
ICOM 4036 Structures and Properties of Programming Languages 3 R ICOM 4035
ICOM 4029 Compiler Construction 3 ICOM 4036
ICOM 5015 Artificial Intelligence 3 ICOM 4035 or DIR
ICOM 5016 Database Systems 3 ICOM 4035 or DIR
ICOM 5025 Object-Oriented Software Development 3 ICOM 4035 or DIR
ICOM 5017 Operating System and Network Administration and Security 3 INEL 4307 or ICOM 5007 or Dir
ICOM 5018 Cryptography and Network Security 3 ICOM 5007 or Dir.