The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) belongs to the College of Engineering. It offers undergraduate and graduate degrees for electrical engineering, and computer engineering. Electrical engineering has six areas of specialization: Control Systems, Communications/Digital Signal Processing, Electromagnetics, Electronics, Power Electronics, and Power Systems. Computer engineering has three areas of specialization: Computing Systems, Digital Signal Processing, and Hardware and Embedded Systems. At the undergraduate level, the Baccalaureate in Sciences in Electrical Engineering (BSEE), and the Baccalaureate in Sciences in Computer Engineering are offered (BSCpE). The Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering Program are fully accredited by the Accreditation Board of Engineering and Technology (ABET). The UPRM’s BSEE was created in the year 1928 (one of the oldest BSEE programs in the Caribbean), and it has been accredited by ABET since 1960. The UPRM’s BSCpE started in the year 1980, and it has been accredited by ABET since 1994.

Currently, the ECE graduate program offers the Masters in Sciences in Electrical Engineering (MSEE), Masters in Electrical Engineering (MEEE), Masters in Sciences in Computer Engineering (MSCpE), and Masters in Computer Engineering (MECpE). The MSEE and MEEE started on the year 1967. The MSCpE and MECpE started on the year 1994. The MSEE and MECpE degrees require the preparation of an original thesis, whereas the MEEE and MECpE degrees require the preparation of a report related to the development of an engineering project. Also, the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering offers a Ph.D. Program in Computing Sciences and Engineering (jointly with the Mathematics Department). Finally, the Department’s research and graduate programs involve 23 laboratories, groups and centers, more than 40 graduate-level courses, 36 faculty members, about 1,206 undergraduate students and near 61 graduated students. At UPRM, we welcome you to be part of our family!!!

Our Mission

The department of Electrical and Computer Engineering has the task of performing teaching, research, and service activities to:

  • Prepare citizens from the entire socioeconomic spectrum so that they may have (1) excellent skills in the electrotechnology fields, computational fields, and related areas; (2) leadership and capacity for the continuous learning necessary to develop those skills; (3) social and environmental responsibility; and (4) appreciation of economic, esthetic, and cultural values that complete their formation.
  • Expand the frontiers of knowledge within the electrical and computer engineering fields and related areas.
  • Provide the benefits obtained via the teaching and research activities to the service of the academic community and Puerto Rico.

Our Vision

We will be recognized as the best electrical and computer engineering department in Latin America, the first source of hispanic electrical and computer engineers in the Puerto Rico and United States labor markets, and the only 5-year Bachelor’s degree program (not dual or multi-institutional) in the ambit of the United States.